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Topic: How to get middle-button paste working again (Read 262 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to get middle-button paste working again

Yeah, terrible question. ::) I just moved the Artix install systemdrive from the test box to my main machine. Most things are fine, but I've been at it all day...

I'm using the venerable Logitech Trackman FX. At some point in the distant past, I came up with this, which worked in my Ubuntu install, though I don't remember if or what other config things I might've had to do. Probably not relevant, since it just assigns button numbers.

Code: [Select]
$ xmodmap -pp
There are 10 pointer buttons defined.

Physical        Button
Button          Code
1              1
2              0
3              3
4              4
5              5
6              6
7              7
8              2
9              9
10             10

The mate control center doesn't have anything helpful. I've looked into the relevant things in dconf too.

xev is indicating that the only buttons being seen by X are 1 and 3.

I just plugged in a Logitech LX3 (3-button, wheel mouse) and the center button is also not registering. This mouse is what I was using, just fine, over on the test system where I did this Artix install.

Has to be something really obvious, and dumb, right? I can't think of anything. Hope someone where knows.


Re: How to get middle-button paste working again

Reply #1
I've been digging around, without success. It seems to me that what's happening is that the system is simply not recognizing the type of mouse as a 3-button (or more), so X, and any applications, simply have no way to get a button press.

I've seen some stuff, likely outdated, regarding putting things in Xorg.conf - these would now go in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but if I look at my archived Ubuntu /etc/X11/, there's nothing in there for explicitly setting up a mouse. I remember having to do that years ago.

I think that X11 relies on udev for setting up device properties.

The system does see this device:

Code: [Select]
$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices
I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0002 Product=0002 Version=0049
N: Name="PS2++ Logitech TrackMan"
P: Phys=isa0060/serio1/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input8
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event15 mouse0
B: EV=7
B: KEY=f0000 0 0 0 0
B: REL=3

And in fact, xinput shows this same mouse identifier. But in /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d, there's 70-mouse.hwdb, but that model of mouse isn't listed. So maybe it's just defaulting to a std. 2-button mouse?

This old bug seems relevant, but again, prior experience seems to indicate such things are no longer needed.

There's no 66-Marble-trackball.rules on my Ubuntu system drive.

Re: How to get middle-button paste working again

Reply #3

Yes. It's out of date, by about 14 years. :)

I did find the answer, but it seemed like something that'd be a "Hail Mary" pass. I renamed both .xinputrc and .xsession to "-save", then logged out and back in. .xsession is where the xmodmap command goes, and I think that's what was doing it. What that means is that sometime in the last few years, a developer changed the button number assignments in the driver. But it didn't get back-ported to the version of Ubuntu I was running. Not something I expected to happen.

I still don't know where it's finding the right udev entry. :o