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Topic: Rankmirrors URL issue (Read 110 times) previous topic - next topic
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Rankmirrors URL issue

Hi all.

I have run into two problems with the upgrade from pacman-contrib 1.10.6 to 1.11.0.

First, the script freezes if I use single-dash options but not double-dash ones.  E.g., this sits there indefinitely with no output:

Code: [Select]
rankmirrors -v -n 7 -p -m 5 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew

while this provides output, although it tells me that all mirrors (the ones that worked before the update) are unreachable:

Code: [Select]
rankmirrors --verbose --parallel --max-time 4 --working-only /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew

Second, it seems there has been a change from system/os/x86_64/system.db to core/os/x86_64/core.db that I can't figure out.  I had the issue on one server, while another one worked -- and that's when I noticed the working one was 1.10.6.  As soon as I upgraded it, it also stopped working.  The getfetchurl() function has been changed quite a bit, I see, that that's where ths new "core" directory comes in.  The problem is that the repos I check (e.g., do not have a "core" directory, nor do they have core.db in the system/os/x86_64/ directory.

I put 'set -x' around the curl call in gettime() (line 73) to see what it was trying to fetch, e.g.:

Code: [Select]
curl -s -m 4 -w '%{time_total} %{http_code}' -o/dev/null                              
#$repo/os/$arch ... unreachable                                                                                

curl -s -m 4 -w '%{time_total} %{http_code}' -o/dev/null                               
#$repo/os/$arch ... unreachable                                                                                  

Putting the curl call on the CLI shows a 404 is returned, and if you go to the mirror sites there is no "core" directory shown.  There are only asteroids, galaxy, lib32, system, and world directories.

Are the mirrors just behind in getting restructured?  Or is there something that needs manually adjusting on servers with this update?

Thanks for the help.


Re: Rankmirrors URL issue

Reply #1
I have run into two problems with the upgrade from pacman-contrib 1.10.6 to 1.11.0.

It is not line 73 but lines 92 and 177 that are important.

declare -r myver='1.10.6'
Code: [Select]

declare -r myver='1.11.0'
Code: [Select]

The problem is solved with pacman-contrib 1.11.0-1.1
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