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Topic: Booting when in VM (Read 56 times) previous topic - next topic
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Booting when in VM

I have Artix installed in a VM in virt-manager. When I boot up, I get the normal black boot screen with the scrolling text. Eventually it stops, still in that screen, and asks for login and password.

However, when I type my username (set during installation) and my password it again outputs the login prompt. I cannot get past this screen, so I do "CTRL+ALT+Del" I get to the grub screen. Then I select Advanced, then Artix Linux with fallback to "initramfs". That works.

Is there a way to avoid going through the Advanced part?

Re: Booting when in VM

Reply #1
I'd suggest  running:
Code: [Select]
# mkinitcpio -P
once you have booted into your VM OS.
The fallback initramfs contains all the kernel modules available, while the standard one only contains those detected as required when it is created. With luck that will work, but if not, then you might need to start investigating what modules are missing, and how they might be added.