The (possibly grim) future of ARMtix 01 March 2025, 09:26:08 So, RKN is certainly testing something which may isolate Russian ineternet segment from outer world.This means that one day i may wake up and find out that i am unable to both get sources to build ARMtix and to upload packages.As such, i'd like to share at least some pieces of information which could be used by successors to continue building ARMtix (and maybe porting it to other architectures).First of all, build system.ARMtix is built on Apache Mesos cluster with custom framework order for build system to work you need MariaDB, git, wendy (, tcl and python bindings for curl, mysql and libgit2.While master server can be anything, workers of course have to be aarch64 machines.These can either be real hardware or qemu VMs.Since some builds are very resource-demanding, i recommend you to use SBCs with amount of RAM in Gb at least twice as big as cpu cores count.As a personal recommendation, RK3588-based SBC are a very good choice.However, they are rather hot, so make sure you either bought fan for them or a good metal enclosure.Rsyncd is used for workers to fetch clean chroot and to push built packages to master.Some paths are hardcoded.Framework repo also contains some additional scripts for manual operations with database and packages repository.XML dumps of database state matching the latest packages repository state can be found in hidden directory .dumps near packages repository itself.The fact that this post is written does not mean that i abandon ARMtix development.However, it may be just shut down for reasons none of us can influence. 3 Likes