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Topic: Can't login after Plasma update (Read 1268 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't login after Plasma update

Hello guys, I can't login after some plasma update I did about hour ago. Welcome screen is up, but when I try to log into Wayland it just go back to Welcome screen. If I try x11 it shows splash screen loading and then just cursor on black background.

I'm on open source drivers and currently installed xfce as workaround. Anyone with same issue?

Re: Can't login after Plasma update

Reply #1
Getting the same issue after the update.

The error seems to be related to a missing library, as described in the following error message:
Code: [Select]
Cannot load library /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/org.kde.kdecoration3/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I can find /usr/lib/ but no

Making a symlink named that points to /usr/lib/ "fixes" the issue - the dependency is artificially satisfied an I can open my X11 session (probably will do the same to the Wayland sessions as well).
This is a workaround and updated packages should provide the correct dependencies so that this hack becomes unnecessary.

Re: Can't login after Plasma update

Reply #2
Cool, guess I'll just wait for the update

Re: Can't login after Plasma update

Reply #3
Try kwin


Re: Can't login after Plasma update

Reply #5
thx for the feedback!

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