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Topic: Suggestion: increase forum's readability. (Read 125 times) previous topic - next topic
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Suggestion: increase forum's readability.

Default design needs some improvement. Just darkening the background (for contrast would improve a lot).

Maybe it's just me, but the default font even when zoomed in isn't great.

Checked on both ungoogled chromium and librewolf. (For default references.)

Tools used:
Code: [Select]
1.) Dark reader (browser addon) (for font color contrast)
settings: brightness: -10, contrast: +5, Text stroke: 0.1, mode: Filter.

2.) Fonts (browser settings) (font readability)
Sans: IBM Plex Sans
Mono: JuliaMono

3.) Zoom (browser settings) (font readability)
Zoomed to 120%

image source:,3050.60.html