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Topic: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown (Read 463 times) previous topic - next topic
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error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Seems to be some kind of key issue when running Syu with the universe repo enabled in /etc/pacman.conf? The signature says it is from nous.

Code: [Select]
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch

All of these mirrors have 2025 dated things in there.

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #1
According to the wiki, "As of September 2023 the Universe repository has been discontinued. Virtually all of its packages have been moved to the Galaxy repository."

I encountered a similar one just now.

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #2
Seems to be some kind of key issue when running Syu with the universe repo enabled in /etc/pacman.conf? The signature says it is from nous.

Code: [Select]
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =$arch

All of these mirrors have 2025 dated things in there.

Also, how did you verify that the new key is from Nous? Just curious.

I failed at doing that when I tried
Code: [Select]
gpg --search-keys '<INSERT_NAME>'

I usually update twice a day, but can hold off on updating (2/2) until tomorrow.

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #3
universe is no more, so must be removed; is there a package missing in the current repos?

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #4
I keep the additional Artix repos enabled above the Arch ones just in case there is something I install which is in there. The wiki says:
"As of September 2023 the Universe repository has been discontinued. Virtually all of its packages have been moved to the Galaxy repository. "
But there are still some packages in there which have been updated as recently as January this year, and the wiki doesn't actually say to delete the entry or anything. The error seems to come from this:
universe.db.sig                                    07-Mar-2025 21:24
The signature was updated yesterday which makes sense because I had updated earlier that day without the error.

The first time the error appears I am given an option to import the key which fails but says it is from nous:
Code: [Select]
 sudo pacman -Sl universe | grep "\[installed\]"
error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown
:: Import PGP key A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428? [Y/n] y
error: universe: signature from "Christos Nouskas <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
error: database 'universe' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
The only way to carry out any further updates I found is to comment out the universe repo entry in /etc/pacman.conf because pacman fails to work afterwards, the few other things I tried didn't help, eg gpg --search-keys / --recv-keys A574... and pacman-key --init / --populate-artix / --refresh-keys.

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #5
universe is no more, so must be removed; is there a package missing in the current repos?


Wish that I had run
Code: [Select]
paclist universe

before this all went down XD

Guess I'll comment out the universe repo and see what happens...

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #6
We changed VPS provider yesterday, that .sig shouldn't be there. Packages in [universe] aren't maintained, if it's still there is for sentimental reasons.
Code: [Select]
rm -f /var/lib/pacman/sync/universe.db.sig

Re: error: universe: key "A574A1915CEDE31A3BFF5A68606520ACB886B428" is unknown

Reply #7
That appears to have fixed it, even with universe re-enabled. I don't have anything installed from there I can now confirm, it was more of a 'legacy' entry in pacman.conf which had been there for years.
Thank you!