pydns deleted /usr/bin/ 27 March 2025, 18:10:31 hello everybody, recently i was needed to install PyDNS python libraryand idk, it was late evening, so i clone this repo - depency, and run 'sudo python install'i didnt particularly read the output(as i said, late evening, i was a little sleepy), just saw 'linking ../lib/pydns -> /usr/bin/pydns' and thought it build correctly, so i did 'ls'and saw:ls: not found (or something like that)...for the first, i thought that it was some $PATH issues, but somehow i check /usr/bin/ , and it was empty, except of pydns executable and then i check output of building, where was something like:removing /usr/bin/creating /usr/bin/linking ../lib/pydns -> /usr/bin/pydnsshould i say anything else? loli boot from artix usb, and copy /usr/bin/* to my artix partition(cause without that basestrap wasnt working fine), and then basestrap openrc, linux, elogind and etc...then artix-chroot and reinstall some other packagesso, its okay nowbut, is it actually okay that installing pyDNS broke my system? or i shouldnt build it from those repo, and choose, say, AUR except of this?and maybe by making this topic i save someones artix from this
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #1 – 28 March 2025, 07:03:32 That's what package managers exist for: they workaround shit like this, put files into temporary archives and then make it possible to install it (usually) without problems. So yes, you should either use pacman-based solution (AUR included) or pip.Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones. 2 Likes
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #2 – 28 March 2025, 14:22:33 QuoteAlso, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess? I git cloned the source for pydns you used, and the phrase "bin" doesn't appear anywhere in there when I searched it, and from a quick look at some of the build files I couldn't see anything obvious which would delete /usr/bin. So I don't know where that came from, perhaps it's something to do with some python config on your system elsewhere which became relevant when you ran, but I don't know much about this python build process either. It might not be pydns that caused the issue though, but some other unconfigured or poorly configured python related package.
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #3 – 28 March 2025, 14:49:19 Quote from: ####### – on 28 March 2025, 14:22:33You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess? Yup, mistyped
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #4 – 28 March 2025, 21:37:44 Quote from: phoenix_king_rus – on 28 March 2025, 14:49:19Quote from: ####### – on 28 March 2025, 14:22:33You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess? Yup, mistypedQuote from: ####### – on 28 March 2025, 14:22:33QuoteAlso, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess? I git cloned the source for pydns you used, and the phrase "bin" doesn't appear anywhere in there when I searched it, and from a quick look at some of the build files I couldn't see anything obvious which would delete /usr/bin. So I don't know where that came from, perhaps it's something to do with some python config on your system elsewhere which became relevant when you ran, but I don't know much about this python build process either. It might not be pydns that caused the issue though, but some other unconfigured or poorly configured python related package.i didnt have any specific python config, but, maybe you right. i think im gonna test this pydns on fresh artix install on VM, so i let you know little later
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #5 – 28 March 2025, 21:44:58 Quote from: phoenix_king_rus – on 28 March 2025, 07:03:32That's what package managers exist for: they workaround shit like this, put files into temporary archives and then make it possible to install it (usually) without problems. So yes, you should either use pacman-based solution (AUR included) or pip.Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.thats sounds right, thanks for advicebut, as i know, you cant use pip now, cause except of this python-xyz where xyz name of library and python-pydns or something like that wasnt in reposbut its on aur, so yeah, i should use aur, thats for sure Last Edit: 28 March 2025, 21:53:16 by chase
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #6 – 30 March 2025, 22:33:30 hello again, i installed pydns on artix vm and...pydns deleted /usr/bin/ again...i can upload a video laterp.s its clean, fresh install with openrc
Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ Reply #7 – 30 March 2025, 23:05:18 Is this the exact command you used againCode: [Select]sudo python install?Edit: And are you using the Arch package python-cx-freeze 7.3.0.pre-1 ? Or cx-freeze from elsewhere ? Last Edit: 30 March 2025, 23:19:39 by gripped