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Topic: pydns deleted /usr/bin/ (Read 326 times) previous topic - next topic
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pydns deleted /usr/bin/

hello everybody, recently i was needed to install PyDNS python library
and idk, it was late evening, so i clone this repo -
install depency, and run 'sudo python install'

i didnt particularly read the output(as i said, late evening, i was a little sleepy), just saw 'linking ../lib/pydns -> /usr/bin/pydns' and thought it build correctly, so i did 'ls'
and saw:
ls: not found (or something like that)


for the first, i thought that it was some $PATH issues, but somehow i check /usr/bin/ , and it was empty, except of pydns executable  :D
and then i check output of building, where was something like:
removing /usr/bin/
creating /usr/bin/
linking ../lib/pydns -> /usr/bin/pydns

should i say anything else? lol

i boot from artix usb, and copy /usr/bin/* to my artix partition(cause without that basestrap wasnt working fine), and then basestrap openrc, linux, elogind and etc...
then artix-chroot and reinstall some other packages
so, its okay now

but, is it actually okay that installing pyDNS broke my system? or i shouldnt build it from those repo, and choose, say, AUR except of this?
and maybe by making this topic i save someones artix from this

Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #1
That's what package managers exist for: they workaround shit like this, put files into temporary archives and then make it possible to install it (usually) without problems. So yes, you should either use pacman-based solution (AUR included) or pip.
Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.

Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #2
Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.
You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess?  ;D

I git cloned the source for pydns you used, and the phrase "bin" doesn't appear anywhere in there when I searched it, and from a quick look at some of the build files I couldn't see anything obvious which would delete /usr/bin.  So I don't know where that came from, perhaps it's something to do with some python config on your system elsewhere which became relevant when you ran, but I don't know much about this python build process either. It might not be pydns that caused the issue though, but some other unconfigured or poorly configured python related package.


Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #4
Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.
You meant /usr/local not /usr/lib I guess?  ;D

I git cloned the source for pydns you used, and the phrase "bin" doesn't appear anywhere in there when I searched it, and from a quick look at some of the build files I couldn't see anything obvious which would delete /usr/bin.  So I don't know where that came from, perhaps it's something to do with some python config on your system elsewhere which became relevant when you ran, but I don't know much about this python build process either. It might not be pydns that caused the issue though, but some other unconfigured or poorly configured python related package.

i didnt have any specific python config, but, maybe you right. i think im gonna test this pydns on fresh artix install on VM, so i let you know little later

Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #5
That's what package managers exist for: they workaround shit like this, put files into temporary archives and then make it possible to install it (usually) without problems. So yes, you should either use pacman-based solution (AUR included) or pip.
Also, never install custom programs to /usr, only to /usr/lib. Do not mixed managed files with unmanaged ones.
thats sounds right, thanks for advice
but, as i know, you cant use pip now, cause except of this python-xyz where xyz name of library
and python-pydns or something like that wasnt in repos

but its on aur, so yeah, i should use aur, thats for sure

Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #6
hello again, i installed pydns on artix vm and...pydns deleted /usr/bin/ again...
i can upload a video later

p.s its clean, fresh install with openrc

Re: pydns deleted /usr/bin/

Reply #7
Is this the exact command you used again
Code: [Select]
sudo python install
Edit: And are you using the Arch package  python-cx-freeze 7.3.0.pre-1 ? Or cx-freeze from elsewhere ?

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