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Topic: error: unknown filesystem - can't boot with USB (Read 2353 times) previous topic - next topic
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error: unknown filesystem - can't boot with USB

I'm using tuxboot to burn the  artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso onto my FAT32 formatted usb. The main arch linux iso boots fine using the same method I use, but when using artix, my computer boots up to this message
Code: [Select]
Welcome to GRUB!

error: unknown filesystem.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>

anybody else encounter this? i'll trying playing around with it more and see if I have success.

Re: error: unknown filesystem - can't boot with USB

Reply #1
nvm, got it working.

1. used the dd command

2. realized my usb was literally flimsy and wasn't being detected by computer