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Topic: Screen won't unlock on the first attempt (Read 797 times) previous topic - next topic
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Screen won't unlock on the first attempt

I use xfce version of Artix Linux. when I try to unlock the screen( I usually move the mouse) the screen lights up, shows the lightdm login screen and then immediately turns off again and it doesn't go to the lightdm greeter where I sign in again. I have to move the mouse again to actually go to the lightdm greeter. I also noticed that the greeter's layout and background image from the first attempt is different from the second.

Is anyone aware of this issue and any possible fix for this.?

Re: Screen won't unlock on the first attempt

Reply #1
Look at /etc/elogind/logind.conf and comment the following lines like this...
Code: [Select]

Re: Screen won't unlock on the first attempt

Reply #2
Those lines are already in that file like that