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Topic: [News] Support for Calamares configuration settings (Read 433 times) previous topic - next topic
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[News] Support for Calamares configuration settings

Update 2022-05-15 21:43 CEST: Version 1.7.2-6.2 of the package suite66-scripts has been built in "system" and should propagate to mirrors in the next few hours.

Update 2022-05-15 14:01 CEST: Version 1.7.2-6.1 of the package suite66-scripts has been pushed to the repository "gremlins", and also contains a similar improvement related to local-time service for preserving the timezone setting.

Update 2022-05-15 10:38 CEST: Version 1.7.2-6 of the package suite66-scripts has been pushed to the repository "system". I have updated the related articles in the Artix wiki.

The issue
Those who installed Artix with 66 through the Calamares graphical installer probably noticed that some settings, most notable of which is the hostname, weren't applied. The issue is with the default configuration flow in 66, which overrides several configuration files and settings using the values from the envfile of the service boot@system. Up until and including system/suite66-scripts-1.7.2-5.4, contents of the file /etc/hostname will simply be overwritten on boot with the contents of the variable HOSTNAME from the envfile of the service boot@system, by the local-sethostname service. Similar is done with the /etc/localtime symbolic link, which is re-linked on every boot.

With the next upcoming version of suite66-scripts, 1.7.2-6 (currently in system), service local-sethostname will be removed and the service system-hostname altered, so it uses the following flow:
  • Use the value of variable HOSTNAME from the envfile of service boot@system, if it is set and nonempty.
  • Failing that, use the first line in the file /etc/hostname.
  • Failing that, use the fallback default hostname "artixlinux".

The new flow, different than the mainline 66, is more flexible with regards to the ways hostname can be set. Users who install Artix from CLI and wish to remain in control, can do so by setting the variable HOSTNAME in the envfile of the service boot@system. Meanwhile, users who prefer graphical installation will have the hostname they entered in Calamares during installation reflected in the installed system.

With the next upcoming version of suite66-scripts, 1.7.2-6.2 (currently in gremlins), service local-time will be altered, so it uses the following flow:
  • Use the value of variable TZ from the envfile of service boot@system to create a symbolic link /etc/localtime, if it is set and nonempty.
  • Failing that, if /etc/localtime is present and is a symbolic link, nothing is done.
  • Failing that, use the fallback default timezone "GMT" to create a symbolic link /etc/localtime.

To migrate the existing 66 installation after updating to system/suite66-scripts-1.7.2-6.2 when that package becomes available in system, you can follow one of two different paths:

1) Configure the service boot@system (as root):
Code: [Select]
66-env -t boot -e /bin/vi boot@system
setting the value of the variables to preferred values, eg.
Code: [Select]
and then force-enable that service:
Code: [Select]
66-enable -t boot -F boot@system

2) Ensure that variables HOSTNAME and TZ are not set and set the hostname in /etc/hostname and link zoneinfo file to /etc/localtime (as root):
Code: [Select]
echo darkstar > /etc/hostname
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime