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Topic: OpenRC 0.35 (Read 7439 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #30
Code: [Select]
# make agetty quiet

# Set the baud rate of the terminal line

# set the terminal type

# extra options to pass to agetty for this port

Code: [Select]
# Copyright (c) 2017 The OpenRC Authors.
# See the Authors file at the top-level directory of this distribution and
# This file is part of OpenRC. It is subject to the license terms in
# the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
# distribution and at
# This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
# except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.

description="start agetty on a terminal line"
command_args_foreground="${agetty_options} ${port} ${baud} ${term_type}"
export EINFO_QUIET="${quiet:-yes}"

depend() {
        after local
        keyword -prefix

start_pre() {
        if [ -z "$port" ]; then
                eerror "${RC_SVCNAME} cannot be started directly. You must create"
                eerror "symbolic links to it for the ports you want to start"
                eerror "agetty on and add those to the appropriate runlevels."
                return 1

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #31
And you are using 0.35.2?
Chris Cromer

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #33
Well everything you did is correct. It seems to be a bug in the new OpenRC. I am talking with OpenRC's developers to see about a fix.

If you need to use -J, please go back to openrc 0.34.11 for the time being.
Chris Cromer

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #34
Who is the developers of openrc?  I've tried to find them before.

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #35
Wikipedia says: Roy Marples.
OpenRC contributors are many:
But you may know all this already. I've never had a problem with OpenRC on "clean" installations yet. I would comment if I ran into one.

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #36
I emailed Roy Marples and he was very clear that he departed the project over licensing disagreements and philosophical diffferences.

I contacted hi m when I was trying to write init scrips and I wasn't getting behavior from start and stop programs which conformed to documentation.  Among other places, I tried posting here

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #37
I found a workaround of sorts
Code: [Select]
[20:36:24] [root /etc] --> cat conf.d/agetty.tty1 
# make agetty quiet

# Set the baud rate of the terminal line
baud="38400 -J "

# set the terminal type

# extra options to pass to agetty for this port

it has to use "-J" in both locations above, otherwise it errors out and agetty doesnt launch

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #38
This appears to be the official current team developing openrc

It is interesting though on what basis did the original creator, Roy Maples,  departed the project.  Wiki mentions that it was 07-10 that he was involved.  Gentoo's wiki does not mention any history of the project.

Maples' site doesn't talk much about openrc

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #39
This appears to be the official current team developing openrc

It is interesting though on what basis did the original creator, Roy Maples,  departed the project.  Wiki mentions that it was 07-10 that he was involved.  Gentoo's wiki does not mention any history of the project.

Maples' site doesn't talk much about openrc

On his "All About Me" page he states, "I'm also a NetBSD developer. I used to be a Gentoo developer, but have since retired due to political reasons. Gentoo still uses my software extensively, and OpenRC is their init system."

Not a lot of detail, but, "due to political reasons", says a lot I reckon.

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #40
Is it okay to install OpenRC 0.35? Just curious after reading through this thread

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #41
Is it okay to install OpenRC 0.35? Just curious after reading through this thread
Yes it is ok to install it. It is in the stable repos after a week of testing in the gremlins repo.
Chris Cromer

Re: OpenRC 0.35

Reply #42
and the symlink problem is resolved because networking is dependent on the symlinks in my static configuration