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Topic: artix-archlinux-support (Read 729 times) previous topic - next topic
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I read that this is needed to support the use of Arch repos.  Pacman didn't know about it so I think it must be in a repository called "Universe".  However when I put [universe] in pacman.conf, pacman reported no server for repo.  Any point in trying with [Universe] or is universe galaxy?  I must have installed archlinux keyring since I have many in my keyring who must have originated there but pacman still can't see gentium-plus-font or other unicode fonts.  I don't know how to find out the names of font files available to pacman but not installed.  Gnu-free-fonts and others are up-to-date.
  Even when I get them, they won't be available as console fonts, will they?  I have to transform them to ".map.gz" somehow.


Re: artix-archlinux-support

Reply #2
Thx again, HeroMember, I updated pacman.conf with Universe, installed artix-archlinux-support, populated arch keyring but pacman still can't find "gentium-plus-font/s".  I'll try again with arch repo "extra" included in pacman.conf but I don't know what servers to put.  Anyway, progress - thx!
  Tried again with extra configured with pacman  mirrorlist-arch.  Wasn't working without that "-arch" which I overlooked at the time.  So I downloaded gentium font and now I'm happy.  Installed weston and was surprised when it worked both in X and on its own in a vc - can't seem to exit it there.