Artix Linux Forum

General Category => Artwork, Screenshots, Widgets => Topic started by: mandog on 28 August 2017, 20:50:46

Title: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 28 August 2017, 20:50:46
This is Artix using Cinnamon Desktop
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+ wallpaper
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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: conky60 on 28 August 2017, 21:55:51
Awesome wallpaper! Can you share?  8)

Best regards.

Edit...Got it!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 29 August 2017, 00:13:36
certainly just click on the image it will redirect to  Imgur

By god they are doing a fantastic job with Artix
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: toxygen on 29 August 2017, 13:34:00
from arch -> openrc -> artix, with kde all along

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Parmaster on 29 August 2017, 13:36:15
You don't need to link to an image, you can upload it here and then attach it inline.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 29 August 2017, 20:47:08
Here is my openbox with conky and obmenu-generator
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mr_dashi on 30 August 2017, 06:00:10
Just a simple LXQt desktop with Plank. On the panel I changed the Applications icon and added a Quick Launcher for Leave/session manager. I have some pixelated artifacts around the WiFi applet that I haven't sorted yet. It comes and goes. I wish that there was a 24 hr clock option. I'll migrate my Antergos Openbox config over for an Artix OB DE at some point, but right now I'm really happy with LXQt.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: robin0800 on 30 August 2017, 12:44:00
Mine Cinnamon Artix running very well many thanks to all the devs.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: lq on 02 September 2017, 04:29:26
no comment  ;)

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: damnwidget on 07 September 2017, 09:57:25
Hi guys, this is my current setup

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Follpvosten on 07 September 2017, 18:15:23
This is gonna be a bit generic, since i don't have any Artix artwork, but here are screenshots of my Artix install:
Some windows open (
Start menu (or whatever it's called) (
Wallpaper (

Before installing Artix, i was using the most vanille Plasma config that was possible, with absolutely everything in the default Breeze Dark scheme, but since i had to switch my OS (i just reinstalled), i thought i might switch to a different theme, too.
So i'm on full Papirus right now, using the Papirus dark plasma theme, color scheme and aurorae theme.
EDIT: I'm also experimenting with different fonts at the moment.

This is my private Thunkpad btw, i'm gonna have a different install on my machine at work soon.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 08 September 2017, 04:30:12
Artix with JWM window manager

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: ᒤᕞᕹᓸ on 08 September 2017, 10:08:52

What is the application on the right displaying the computer's stats? I have used gkrellm since before gtk3 was a thing and it never looked as good as that program. Now, gkrellm is quite conspicuous as a gtk2 application in a gtk3/4, qt5, and tiling world.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 08 September 2017, 15:08:34

What is the application on the right displaying the computer's stats? I have used gkrellm since before gtk3 was a thing and it never looked as good as that program. Now, gkrellm is quite conspicuous as a gtk2 application in a gtk3/4, qt5, and tiling world.
Its conky I make my own script for it this one is to include the nvidia stats, yaourt -S conky-lua-nv  I place the script in /home/my name as   .conkyrc    point autostart  or startup to /usr/bin/conky if you are frail use conky manager make a empty folder name it what you want and place the script in it then point conky manager to it

# Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
# - tail of /var/log/messages
# - netstat connections to your computer
# -- Pengo ([email protected])

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# fiddle with window
use_spacer no
use_xft no

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0

# Minimum size of text area
 minimum_size 100
 maximum_width 160

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Text stuff
draw_outline no # amplifies text if no
draw_borders no
font arial

uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
#border_margin 9

# border width
#border_width 10

# Default colors and also border colors, black90 == #e5e5e5
default_color white
# Text settings #
use_xft yes
xftfont caviar dreams:size=8
xftalpha 0.5
own_window_colour 000000
own_window_transparent yes

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_right
#alignment top_right
alignment top_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 1760
gap_y 40

# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen

own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_argb_visual yes
minimum_size 0 0
${voffset 0}${offset 20}${color EAEAEA}${font Bitstream Charter:pixelsize=40}${time %H:%M}
${voffset 0}${offset 0}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=18}${time %a},${color FFA300}${time %d} ${color EAEAEA}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=18}${time  %b} ${time %Y}
${color #88ECE0}SYSTEM ${hr 1}$color
${font Arial:bold:size=7}$nodename
$sysname $kernel $machine
${color #88ECE0}CPU ${hr 1}$color
Load: ${loadavg}  
Uptime: ${uptime}
 ${alignc}CPU temp${color0} ${hwmon temp 1} C
 ${color}Core 1 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu1}% ${color}${cpubar cpu1}
 ${color}Core 2 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu2}% ${color}${cpubar cpu2}
 ${color}Core 3 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu3}% ${color}${cpubar cpu3}
 ${color}Core 4 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu4}% ${color}${cpubar cpu4}
 ${color}Core 5 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu5}% ${color}${cpubar cpu5}
 ${color}Core 6 Usage:$color ${alignc} ${cpu cpu6}% ${color}${cpubar cpu6}
 ${cpugraph 000000 DFEC88}
 NAME             PID       CPU%      MEM%
 ${top name 1} ${top pid 1}   ${top cpu 1}    ${top mem 1}
 ${top name 2} ${top pid 2}   ${top cpu 2}    ${top mem 2}
 ${top name 3} ${top pid 3}   ${top cpu 3}    ${top mem 3}
 ${top name 4} ${top pid 4}   ${top cpu 4}    ${top mem 4}

${color #88ECE0}MEMORY / DISK ${hr 1}$color
 RAM:   $mem   ${membar 6}$color
 Swap:  $swapperc%   ${swapbar 6}$color

 Root:  ${fs_used_perc /}%   ${fs_bar 6 /}$color
 Home:  ${fs_used_perc /home}%   ${fs_bar 6 /home}$color

 ${diskiograph 000000 88D5EC}

${color #88ECE0}NETWORK (${addr enp3s0}) ${hr 1}$color
 Down: $color${downspeed enp3s0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed enp3s0} k/s
 ${downspeedgraph enp3s0 25,70 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp3s0
25,70 000000 00ff00}$color
 Total: ${totaldown enp3s0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup enp3s0}
 Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768
 61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
 ${alignc}MOBO temp${color0} ${hwmon temp 1:}C
 GPU Temp: ${alignr}${nvidia temp} C
 Fan Speed: ${alignr}${execi 5 nvidia-settings -q [fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeedRPM -t} RPM
 GPU Clock: ${alignr}${nvidia gpufreq} MHz
 Mem Clock: ${alignr}${nvidia memfreq} MHz
 Mem Used: ${alignr}${execi 5 nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/UsedDedicatedGPUMemory -t} / ${exec nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/TotalDedicatedGPUMemory -t} MiB

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: gavin17 on 11 September 2017, 05:44:52
KDE 5.37.0 / Plasma 5.10.5 (with various neon addons)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: thefallenrat on 11 September 2017, 14:13:31
Just a simple desktop :)) ..

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 11 September 2017, 19:55:04
FYI, neofetch-git and screenfetch-git contain our updated logo.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: johnvan on 17 September 2017, 04:17:40
My Enlightenment setup - converted Manjaro OpenRC. Nothing fancy. ;)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 17 September 2017, 15:34:19
My Enlightenment setup - converted Manjaro OpenRC. Nothing fancy. ;)
Nice to see E17 not much interest in it lately I must play with it again.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: LizziAS on 17 September 2017, 15:43:57
You don't need to link to an image, you can upload it here and then attach it inline.

I've not been able to upload any images
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 17 September 2017, 23:43:47
I've not been able to upload any images
It only likes small files but works fine with imgur that is what I use
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 06 October 2017, 03:28:40
This is Awesome not for the faint-hearted  with custom menus arcdark theme,

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 06 October 2017, 06:07:34
try this
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mullins on 06 October 2017, 09:12:18
LX-Qt, Fusion, Breeze, KDE apps, Moraki Boulders (New Zealand)
Gentoo and Majaro user really enjoying Artix!

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 06 October 2017, 11:22:52

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 06 October 2017, 14:59:29
Nice to see uses not being afraid to use the non top 3 DEs shows artix is in the right direction like Arch/Gentoo, not  1 DE favoured
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 06 October 2017, 15:05:49

And a Tom Petty fan to boot,as well.
 He never really made it in the UK that is where I lived till 6 years ago.
The stones made it big time here in Peru and Jagger is a god when he does personal  visits and travels here sight seeing, These rock gods just live on.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 06 October 2017, 16:15:26
Tom Petty suffered a massive heart attack a couple of days ago, hence the tribute.  He was one of the few that survived rock with dignity through the anti-rock 80s ;)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Jyrki on 07 October 2017, 16:31:23
Been listening to his last record with Heartbreakers for few days recent I feel like the best of him was yet to come. What a shame. RIP Tom Petty
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 07 October 2017, 17:34:58
I thought after the all hit album with heartbreakers that was it.  Many artists can never recover from stardom.  When last dance with Mary Jane came out I knew I was wrong.  Maybe the heartbreakers held him back.  How you really know an artist as a person is listening ex-associates talk about them.  Mike Campbell should have been a well known star as well, amazing talent.  (more about Tom Petty in this video than anywhere else).
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 11 October 2017, 06:18:27
Nice to see uses not being afraid to use the non top 3 DEs shows artix is in the right direction like Arch/Gentoo, not  1 DE favoured

I inherited my desktop from my Manjaro set up.  My straight ARTIX install, x didn't work, so I think there is still room for growth in this regard, and I wouldn't get attached to any theological ideas about desktops. 

in the thread where arto announced the split, he commented that artix will not be pointed at new users.  Personally, I think that is a mistake.  I don't believe that it is mutualy exclussive that new users can not be catered to, and needing to give up the flexibility and rich development that experienced users need and want.  Where, "catering" to new users means locking down a desktop so that it takes a hercurian effort to get under the hood and alter it, that I agree, truly sucks.  But giving a decent working environment out of the box is an essential part of what will allow for success and growth.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: rakya77 on 11 October 2017, 08:11:06
I have been using this for a while.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: SGOrava on 11 October 2017, 18:45:25
OpenBox, original configuration taken from CrunchBang and tweaked over the years....

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 11 October 2017, 22:50:01
I don't think Artix's choice about new users is religious/political but a practical one.  Inexperienced user support requires a tremendous amount of instruction writing and constant hand holding to make steps forward and upward the learning curve.  I think that is what they wished to avoid as it is a scarce resource.  Remember the artix developers do this on their spare time.  Probably working on some Debian or Red-Hat servers in daytime.

But, I do agree with you, and it is up to us here to provide this resource for Artix.  We just have to get organized on how to do it, and it seems as we are learning ourselves.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 11 October 2017, 23:36:40

But, I do agree with you, and it is up to us here to provide this resource for Artix.  We just have to get organized on how to do it, and it seems as we are learning ourselves.

Remember  Patrick Volkerding ?  He succeeded because he kept things simple and in working condition.  This allowed new users to learn at their own pace.  Of course, written documentation was the lynchpin to making things accessible to the public?  I think that general model can be followed.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 12 October 2017, 08:28:43
Artix is geared towards experienced users, twice as much as Arch; don't get fooled by the graphical installer.

Also, remember that we're still in beta, developing our tools, testing our repos, tweaking the buildbot, importing and cleaning packages...
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: slblxs on 12 October 2017, 17:35:04
    Already some time it is installed on my daughter's pc and who said that xfce can not be simple and beautiful?
  Installation made of iso, but with net install.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nwrain on 14 October 2017, 23:44:48
XFCE with Whisker menu.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Follpvosten on 17 October 2017, 08:36:38
I love playing with KDE colors lately, this is my halloween-ish theme:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This is at work, my Thinkpad at home also has a pumpkin as start button icon.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Shiny Rice on 21 October 2017, 17:20:19
This is one of two computers I own which run Artix, I have that much confidence in this distro. It's my Asus C300, a Chromebook, which is pretty low end, I bought it for 300 €. It still serves me pretty well, the only thing I would change is the screen, a horrendous TN panel. WM is i3-gaps, though I am thinking about switching to dwm. Status bar is polybar. (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: handy on 04 November 2017, 11:51:56
My Openbox WM rarely ever has anything else on it than just being a black screen. I don't really use the front end of Openbox much. I have Tint2 sitting up in the title bar area just to the left of the gadgets on any full screen sized window. Tint2 has 7 desktops with Worker & either Sakura or Terminator opening automatically on their allocated desktop number whenever Openbox loads up.

I boot the machine usually in the morning then run the allservers script (I modified it so that it  - allservers2 - works with the Artix & Arch mirrors now :) it can be found here on the ArchBang forum ( - I'll post it here if anyone wants me to?). After allservers2 runs & checks for & upgrades my system I then start my VPN & then call my web browser. Who cares! I know... ;)

Anyway, that bootup run down was just to maybe show how/why the system looks how it does.

Here are some pictures, they are much better than my words:

[edit:] I added a link to the allservers2 page on the ArchBang forum /

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 04 November 2017, 12:28:40
Hi and welcome handy excellent screen-shots your OB is what OB or any WM should look like, function-able with 0% clutter.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: handy on 04 November 2017, 13:23:20
Thanks again mandog. :) Icons confuse me!

When I used to go & work on people's Windows machines (back in the day), so many of them had desktops absolutely covered in icons. It always seemed like such a disorganised way to use a computer.
To my mind, of course.

Thankfully the world isn't full of people with a mind like mine.

Then we would be in trouble... lol
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 09 November 2017, 12:55:37
Pretty plain looking but i like it.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 10 November 2017, 01:03:08
Nice I used Openox for years but now I prefer JWM
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 10 November 2017, 07:52:28
Nice I used Openox for years but now I prefer JWM


I dont mind Jwm either, solid lightweight wm for sure!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Follpvosten on 25 November 2017, 10:54:41
Getting ready for Christmas (a bit early, but i was bored)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 25 November 2017, 11:15:02
Getting ready for Christmas (a bit early, but i was bored)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Well that improves KDE somewhat.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cmul on 26 November 2017, 21:23:21
Greetings, and a hearty thank you to the Artix Linux team!  Also a hearty thank you to the ArchBang Linux team that helped me get my OpenBox Artix Rig setup: ultra minimal excellence.

Keep up the great work!


Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 20 December 2017, 03:57:24
Just a update this install was about 29 Aug 2017 originally Lxqt then i changed the desktop to Cinnamon did not like so settled on my own version of JWM and kept with that A few mods to it runs CK-kernel, transparency, xdg menu. 

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: damnwidget on 21 December 2017, 13:59:18
I just updated a bit my i3bar/i3blocks

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 22 December 2017, 21:51:18
Nice one  :)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 17 March 2018, 11:34:55
This one is special to me. Downloaded the latest arch iso 03/01/18 and did a minimal (archway) install to a working openbox setup, then migrated as per artix wiki instruction. So far so good. Thankyou team!

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: slblxs on 17 March 2018, 15:52:00
This one is special to me. Downloaded the latest arch iso 03/01/18 and did a minimal (archway) install to a working openbox setup, then migrated as per artix wiki instruction. So far so good. Thankyou team!

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 Beautiful screen, a question which panel are you using? Thank you.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 18 March 2018, 01:07:07
^ Thanks. Panel is tint2.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 24 March 2018, 02:25:48
Nice wallpaper
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 06 April 2018, 14:51:33
A new incarnation. Created from the artix linux base iso with some adjustments.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 01 June 2018, 21:55:16
This is Mate installed April 2018 I forgot to post this one.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 04 June 2018, 13:22:51
Decided to take a look at the lxqt iso again and install. No problems. Im using paper icon theme git with the vertex gtk theme from the aur, i think they go well together.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: sullivad on 17 June 2018, 01:41:20
Fairly lame (or, at least, generic) screenshot.  But it proves I got Plasma working with Artix runit.  (I was getting the "can not sync environment with dbus" error and I had to make a lot of strange changes, including copying over my /etc/machine-id from another Artix installation, but ....)

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Chris Cromer on 17 June 2018, 17:11:38
Fairly lame (or, at least, generic) screenshot.  But it proves I got Plasma working with Artix runit.  (I was getting the "can not sync environment with dbus" error and I had to make a lot of strange changes, including copying over my /etc/machine-id from another Artix installation, but ....)

You should never copy a machine-id from another machine, it is supposed to be unique for all machines. Use dbus-uuidgen to generate a valid and unique id.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: sullivad on 17 June 2018, 20:51:19
Copied from installation on a different partition on the *same* machine: dbus-uuidgen was one of the very things refusing to work.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 18 August 2018, 07:54:16
Artix openbox is still my daily driver, bit of new theming here. Simplistic stuff.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: kekek on 18 August 2018, 11:54:27
I use repositaries from Manjaro.

And my wife's Desk
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 18 August 2018, 18:54:26
@kekek I use repositaries from Manjaro.

Why would you do that Manjaro dropped Openrc 1 year ago so no point in using their repros. Artix has gone out of its way to rebuild Arch packages to be clean. Manjaro only uses systemd.
please explain.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: SGOrava on 18 August 2018, 18:59:09
@kekek I use repositaries from Manjaro.

Why would you do that Manjaro dropped Openrc 1 year ago so no point in using their repros. Artix has gone out of its way to rebuild Arch packages to be clean. Manjaro only uses systemd.
please explain.
Probably he is using Manjaro instead of Arch repositories, which is not supported and can lead to problems.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: kekek on 19 August 2018, 05:51:43
Probably he is using Manjaro instead of Arch repositories, which is not supported and can lead to problems.
Yes.  If there are problems, I will solve them.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 19 August 2018, 12:24:47
It's not that hard to mix repos from <insert-pacman-distro-or-unofficial-repo-here>, if you know how to fix the occasional breakage. Saves some time compiling from the AUR too and gives you access to lots of little extra thingamajigs you never knew they existed.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 19 August 2018, 12:29:37
Also, Manjaro's repos as are dirty as Arch's anyway; as long as they're below Artix's, All Should Be Fine ©®™.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 19 August 2018, 18:07:21
For those of you that are into plasma things this may be of high interest
Like @nous says, many precompiled pkgs ready, like a gnu-firefox among other things, and gksu.
I played with this thing just to see if I can remove its init system and substitute and plasma would still be in tact and it was.
But I have little interest in kde and plasma myself.

Code: [Select]
SigLevel = Never TrustAll
#Server =$arch
Server =$arch

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 21 January 2019, 15:10:20
Basic Dwm setup on Artix Linux.

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: phoenix_king_rus on 21 January 2019, 15:38:10
What do you use to display status?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 21 January 2019, 16:28:30

Just conky as mentioned in the arch wiki here:
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Docbroke on 22 January 2019, 12:23:34
i3 with conky (panel). Picture in wallpaper is clicked at Pangong Lake, Ladakh, India.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: fungalnet on 22 January 2019, 14:02:22
Interesting place, 5km x 134km long 4350m altitude, salty, frozen for 4months.  Low temperature in July-August 5'C  .. nothing to burn to warm up.  Like a river high in the Himalayas that got blocked. 
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Docbroke on 24 January 2019, 03:53:02
Interesting place, 5km x 134km long 4350m altitude, salty, frozen for 4months.  Low temperature in July-August 5'C  .. nothing to burn to warm up.  Like a river high in the Himalayas that got blocked. 
Yes indeed. I stayed there for 2 days in early September, during a cycling trip. There are small villages at lakeside, that offers home-stays. Nights were freezing.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: slblxs on 27 January 2019, 18:44:17
Iso official lxqt with runit, kernel-lts, the basics. Wait for update, for lxqt 0.14. To see what's new.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 18 February 2019, 14:58:58
Had a go at i3 window manager. I dig the new logo, will there be an ascii version for neofetch, not sure how that side of things works?

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Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 27 February 2019, 13:23:38
The new logo has been updated upstream (, it'll soon get packaged.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Seventh on 02 March 2019, 16:48:24
Nice, looks good nous. Cheers
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: quadcricket on 07 March 2019, 19:41:00
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cynicfm on 07 March 2019, 20:54:09
nice specs ;). I don't use steam though well new PC games require 3rd party clients to run games i think so if i don't use them and stick to linux open source games instead that aren't really GPU demanding i wonder if there is any point getting amd ryzen and some other nice GPU for pc...
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 10 March 2019, 00:10:28
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cynicfm on 11 March 2019, 02:13:07
That is my Desktop at the moment

Pretty boring but i am thinking about getting GIMP and trying to 'do some art'. It is pretty minimal at the moment.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: sullivad on 09 April 2019, 02:49:05
The new Mate ISO hijacked.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 23 June 2019, 17:30:35
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Schpankme on 24 June 2019, 13:08:09
Artix w/OpenRC
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 25 June 2019, 14:28:33
This is KDE installed the day the testing ISO became availible

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: xyxy on 25 June 2019, 22:55:38
at the moment.. fvwm
how do I add the photo. hmm..
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 26 June 2019, 00:50:59
I use its free its fast
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: NickStone on 02 July 2019, 09:28:48
With the Mate DE
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: hisacro on 28 April 2020, 22:10:38
openrc.. i3.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 01 May 2020, 18:11:46
How can one not like this? Especially an old-timer...
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: rhtoras on 21 May 2020, 06:05:01
Artix with XFCE
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Arbuthnot on 01 June 2020, 15:11:47
XFCE, OpenRC. It's brilliant!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 02 June 2020, 19:04:57
Seems that XFCE is quite popular.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: linuxer on 04 June 2020, 21:15:09
XFCE Desktop, wallpaper modified by GIMP.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: brandflake11 on 09 June 2020, 02:37:29
Here is my desktop (I had to scale down the image to fit in the post). It is Mate + i3wm with runit! It is a little bit generic (I liked how gnome 2 looked like in 2009), but I like the default theme that artix mate shipped with!  :D
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tkor on 19 June 2020, 22:44:26

My bspwm with polybar
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: brandflake11 on 20 June 2020, 15:35:04
That looks nice!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: negative on 27 June 2020, 08:17:02
transfered from Arch:
- artix-runit
- bpswm
- polybar
- blurs
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jrballesteros05 on 07 July 2020, 21:33:17
XFCE Desktop, wallpaper modified by GIMP.


I don't know if it's a bit late but can you share the wallpaper?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jrballesteros05 on 08 July 2020, 13:20:43
This is my Artixlinux with s6 and i3-gaps. There are a lot of things to tweak but I'm pretty happy.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: linuxer on 11 July 2020, 02:41:23
I don't know if it's a bit late but can you share the wallpaper?

Feel free to download it from my Gitea repo (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Anaximenes on 11 July 2020, 07:13:31
Simple setup with awesome window manager.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jrballesteros05 on 11 July 2020, 12:00:12
Feel free to download it from my Gitea repo (

Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: ahloi on 18 July 2020, 09:07:01

Void user here moving to  Artix 2 days ago, still figuring out this distro.
Like now i want to install realtime-kernel but i didn't find it through artix repo/pamac.
If someone have some idea i really appreciate your help.

Software maintenance is better than void, void handled/update core package very well but the normal package eg. mypaint/krita/inkscape etc is very outdated, not to blame the maintainer but it is what it is. Artix maintainers is much more reliable, 3 package that i mentioned is on the latest version on artix repo, feeling great because i dont have to waste my time compiling.

I definitely feel this distro is faster than void, loading application  is faster, i do a lot of graphic job and it shows.
I have no idea why is the difference is very noticeable, i use both minimal install and using runit on both os.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Vienna on 21 July 2020, 00:04:09
Nothing spectacular, pretty much standard KDE/Plasma

Theme: Breeze & Breeze dark
Icons: Breeze
Fonts: Noto Sans

( (
( (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: salparadise on 24 July 2020, 20:37:31
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: strajder on 06 August 2020, 07:29:49
What is that browser-thingie in the second screen?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: djmj0 on 08 August 2020, 19:39:27
Hi everyone,

here is a recent screenshot of my artix system. I just switched to artix s6 a week ago and really enjoy it.

The system I use and which is depicted: artix kernel, s6 init system, qtile window manager and alacritty as the terminal emulator.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: SoloLearner on 22 August 2020, 16:41:19
A minimal wallpaper from me!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: ahloi on 31 August 2020, 15:54:41
Few changes since my last post,
back to i3bar, adjusting colorscheme (manta+nord)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jrballesteros05 on 31 August 2020, 16:27:22

I donwloaded and I use it in my current desktop. Thanks mate.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cuppajoeman on 01 September 2020, 13:43:44
i3 - no time spent on making things pretty - only functional (runit)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mandog on 01 September 2020, 23:16:16
Looks fine to me.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: teeds on 08 October 2020, 18:06:46
Artix pairs well with sowm from the looks of it  :D
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: francesco on 15 November 2020, 17:32:38
Hello, this is the neofetch of my new little "monster". Now I'm waiting something similar, but with AMD CPU and GPU.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: yellowzip on 18 November 2020, 00:50:30
Finally systemd free, thanks Artix.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: strajder on 02 December 2020, 11:47:49
Although I'm pretty satisfied so far with my suckless Artix s6 setup, I'm constantly improving it. :D

WM: dwm
terminal: st

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: xanadu on 17 December 2020, 23:33:05
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: ndowens on 18 December 2020, 00:08:12
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Non-Droitable on 25 December 2020, 04:42:53
Think Pink.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: yellowzip on 28 December 2020, 05:15:17
Openbox familiarity - loving runit - and all things AMD, of course.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: s1m0n3 on 19 April 2021, 21:15:33
Artix Mate customization in Retro style with Runit
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: kroke on 18 November 2021, 02:02:47
Artix with bspwm and polybar, using dinit as init
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tintin on 18 November 2021, 05:46:24
My very classic XFCE with four retractable icons to adjust the screen brightness. 8)
I have the different monitors visible in the dashboard.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Mohammed on 21 November 2021, 02:33:15
Suckless dwm - Artix Linux Runit

( (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: z3rOR0ne on 08 December 2021, 22:16:19
Artix (with runit btw) with XFCE.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: purpleleaf on 26 January 2022, 23:29:18
A modern desktop with less then 130 MB (no polkit, no DM), thanks to:
dinit, openbox, tint2, picom, dunst,  t2ec tint2 executors (, jgmenu (, obmenu-generator (, rofi adi109x themes (, (, Arcolinux ( and Betterlockscreen ( and i3lock-color (, kickshaw (, skippy-xd (, obshutdown (, and my DIY Poor Man wallpaper changer (PMwc) featuring fixed, random rotating, bing, unsplash wallpapers, built on top of Ignorantguru's spacefm ( dialog feature and some bash glue. All packages (except for PMwc) are in Artix/Arch repos or Aur.
Not showed in screenshots:
Volume control with t2ec executor mouse wheel scrolling and dunst notification with
Battery status with t2ec executor and dunst notification with
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 27 January 2022, 02:50:46
A modern desktop with less then 130 MB (no polkit, no DM), thanks to:
dinit, openbox, tint2, dunst,  t2ec tint2 executors (, jgmenu (, rofi adi109x themes (, (, Arcolinux ( and Betterlockscreen ( and i3lock-color (, kickshaw (, skippy-xd (, obshutdown (, and my DIY Poor Man wallpaper changer (PMwc) featuring fixed, random rotating, bing, unsplash wallpapers, built on top of Ignorantguru's spacefm ( dialog feature and some bash glue. All packages (except for PMwc) are in Artix/Arch repos or Aur.
Not showed in screenshots:
Volume control with t2ec executor mouse wheel scrolling and dunst notification with
Battery status with t2ec executor and dunst notification with
T2ec works well with standard notify-send but not with dunst, hence the use of
You are the current king of ricing in Artix.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: purpleleaf on 27 January 2022, 12:34:36
You are the current king of ricing in Artix.
Many thanks nous, but i only stand on the shoulders of giants :)
All the merit goes to the developers and graphic designers that make possible for all of us satisfy our needs and tastes.
The only credits for me are for PMwm. I'm not a developer and a total newbie to github, but i hope to publish it as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 09 February 2022, 18:14:54
Seems that XFCE is quite popular.

well, it is lightweight and generally flexible but it is still not better, IMO, than wmaker.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tintin on 10 February 2022, 08:26:58

well, it is lightweight and generally flexible but it is still not better, IMO, than wmaker.
Window Maker has a delightfully wintage look.  8)

Personally, I like the lightness and stability of XFCE4, as well as the many possibilities to configure the dashboards (on my "desktop" there is a nice picture, the monitoring elements are all in the bottom dashboard) .
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 15 February 2022, 08:13:28

It serves - and seems modern enough (wmaker)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nyaomi on 15 February 2022, 09:16:00
Reporting in!

Artix Linux with OpenRC for system services and Dinit for user services.
Using KDE Plasma 5.24 with Lightly Qt5 theme/window decorations and Papirus Icons.

The music + lyrics widget on the bottom right corner is `sunamu` (from AUR).
The dock is Latte.
The color scheme was generated via Pywal.

Window tiling is provided by Bismuth.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tintin on 15 February 2022, 10:13:38
It serves - and seems modern enough (wmaker)
I like it.  8)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 15 February 2022, 11:55:18
OpenRC for system services and Dinit for user services.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nyaomi on 15 February 2022, 12:17:22
@nous We discussed of this on the Telegram group, but basically Dinit can be instructed to start at user login:

Code: [Select]
dinit --user --services-dir $HOME/.config/dinit.d​

Of course it will look for a boot service, so I provide just that:

Code: [Select]
type = scripted 
waits-for.d = /home/naomi/.config/dinit.d/boot.d
command = /usr/bin/true

And then I symlink my other user services into the boot.d folder and that's it really
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: thmtvz on 21 February 2022, 00:26:30
Dwm, st, etc.  :P  (;sa=tmpattach;attach=post_tmp_2461_110e5022c4cc95e89f3982646c00284f;topic=8)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: x230 on 21 February 2022, 13:17:02
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: x230 on 21 February 2022, 13:23:26
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 24 February 2022, 04:29:52
A modern desktop with less then 130 MB (no polkit, no DM), thanks to:
dinit, openbox, tint2, picom, dunst,  t2ec tint2 executors (, jgmenu (, obmenu-generator (, rofi adi109x themes (, (, Arcolinux ( and Betterlockscreen ( and i3lock-color (, kickshaw (, skippy-xd (, obshutdown (, and my DIY Poor Man wallpaper changer (PMwc) featuring fixed, random rotating, bing, unsplash wallpapers, built on top of Ignorantguru's spacefm ( dialog feature and some bash glue. All packages (except for PMwc) are in Artix/Arch repos or Aur.
Not showed in screenshots:
Volume control with t2ec executor mouse wheel scrolling and dunst notification with
Battery status with t2ec executor and dunst notification with

Not too much time on your hands :)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 24 February 2022, 11:15:57
Reporting in!

Artix Linux with OpenRC for system services and Dinit for user services.
Using KDE Plasma 5.24 with Lightly Qt5 theme/window decorations and Papirus Icons.

The music + lyrics widget on the bottom right corner is `sunamu` (from AUR).
The dock is Latte.
The color scheme was generated via Pywal.

Window tiling is provided by Bismuth.

Tell me more about diniit?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: wickedlester on 06 March 2022, 01:22:04
Hey everyone! New here. Been using Arch since 2004, have been trying out Artix a little bit. Here is my Artix i3. About the same setup I Use on Arch, ArchLabs, and Void.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: antarktik on 31 March 2022, 04:10:56
I wanna marry OpenRC :D
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here dinit mate
Post by: LizziAS on 06 April 2022, 16:52:09
still setting it up.  i took a fairly long break from using computers at all.  i bought a very old used minix usff nuc looking kinda thing that has a pentium processor and ddr3 ram.  i had 16 gb laying around in a plastic cup of misc parts.  It's enough for typing i guess but not for gaming so that suits me well.  the world has moved on to ddr5 rams?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: LizziAS on 06 April 2022, 16:54:54

is this i3?

i forget the name of that program that printed out in your command box
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Arch_user on 06 April 2022, 18:45:45
i forget the name of that program that printed out in your command box

Title: I hope you all enjoy my desktop!
Post by: cat herders of linux on 08 April 2022, 19:45:17

FWIW, i don't drink or smoke or do drugs & i'm certainly not drunk.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: calvinh on 08 April 2022, 19:51:32
LOL, "You have been suspended from the forum..."
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cat herders of linux on 08 April 2022, 23:36:46
Apparently waxing nostalgic for bygone days makes on a disenter and a drunk?

I wear the badge of honor proudly!  And it makes a great desktop wallpaper?!?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: calvinh on 09 April 2022, 00:37:13
Apparently waxing nostalgic for bygone days makes on a disenter and a drunk?

I wear the badge of honor proudly!  And it makes a great desktop wallpaper?!?

I know what you mean but I can not anwser "yes" or "no". I am not a Manjaro user, nor a registered member of their forum.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cat herders of linux on 09 April 2022, 01:23:16
I know what you mean but I can not anwser "yes" or "no". I am not a Manjaro user, nor a registered member of their forum.
no need.  no worries.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jym on 09 April 2022, 01:57:10
Artix Xfce & wallpapers.
Firefox: modified userChrome.css from the theme + Tree Style Tab add-on.
Customized shell prompt:
Code: [Select]
cat ~/.bashrc
PS1='\[\e[1;33m\]$(date +%H:%M:%S)\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;32m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;34m\]▶\[\e[m\] '
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cat herders of linux on 10 April 2022, 22:28:09
Artix Xfce & wallpapers.
Firefox: modified userChrome.css from the theme + Tree Style Tab add-on.
Customized shell prompt:
Code: [Select]
cat ~/.bashrc
PS1='\[\e[1;33m\]$(date +%H:%M:%S)\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;32m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;34m\]▶\[\e[m\] '

you inspired me to go looking for a darker them with black icons....  along the way i found plum ones instead.  is there such a thing as too much purple?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jym on 11 April 2022, 09:29:38
Newaita has colorized scripts for folders.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: z3rOR0ne on 15 June 2022, 11:54:12
I have since changed up my set up. No longer on XFCE, but on bspwm. Also terminal is no longer kitty terminal, but rather use the lighter-weight st terminal.

Tried to have a minimal, but still visually appealing setup, mainly using nord colorscheme. My workflow these days is mainly terminal-centric.

I have no status bar, as btop on my first workspace is all I really need for resource monitoring.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cat herders of linux on 15 June 2022, 21:59:15
I have since changed up my set up. No longer on XFCE, but on bspwm. Also terminal is no longer kitty terminal, but rather use the lighter-weight st terminal.

Tried to have a minimal, but still visually appealing setup, mainly using nord colorscheme. My workflow these days is mainly terminal-centric.

I have no status bar, as btop on my first workspace is all I really need for resource monitoring.

tres chic

(in my pennsylvania dutch accent)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mægpie on 31 August 2022, 16:35:08
Odroid-N2+, running Armtix-Runit. That's my rice and daily driver for 2 years now:

Keyboard-driven. Totally stable. Best Workflow I ever had!!!
Big THX to all maintainers, contributors, developers, admins and users that made me this dream come true!

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Surf3r on 23 November 2022, 00:56:10
In case someone might still think xfce is not that versatile this is my xfce floating taskbar. Those 2 from the left hide intelligently while third from the right never hides unless full screen mpv or other similar app is open.


Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tintin on 23 November 2022, 05:31:42
In case someone might still think xfce is not that versatile this is my xfce floating taskbar.
Yes, XFCE is very "flexible", practical, stable and "lightweight"!
Once you understand how to configure dashboards and how to create custom launchers, you don't want to use anything else.
On my laptop, I even added a taskbar to adjust the brightness.
The left and top taskbars hide automatically :

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: jspaces on 06 January 2023, 20:48:33
My setup running Openbox as my main working environment with my favourite Ghost in the Shell wallpaper. It is fast, stable and with helper applications will do everything so far that I have ever needed. I have two displays and I have not had an issue with displays in Openbox. The floating menu saves mouse movement (increasing speed with less wear and tear on the body). The configuration are simple XML files. I just keep coming back to it as it fits my work flow. I first configured Openbox around 20 years ago. I just kept updating the configurations when required which were not too much at all. Then I copied configuration files to any systems that I have used with very minor edits for helper applications and stuff like paths. That to me is stability.
Code: [Select]
Running in autostart:
feh (to set the wallpaper)
tint2 (panel)
udiskie (auto-mounting devices)
gapcmon (APC UPS monitor)
xfce-polkit (privilege escalation)
notify-osd (notification daemon - required for udiskie announcements)
orage (calendar for appointments)
pasystray (one needs pulse for steam, right now pipewire does not seem to be stable enough)
qlipper (clipboard manager)
keepassxc (web password manager)
The menu (not shown) is a dynamic one with icons running with obmenu-generator. Thus any new application with a desktop file will automatically show up in the menu. As stuff evolves these applications will most likely change but the core functionality of these will be replicated with the new ones.
The idea of total control in Openbox appealed to me. Though it does take a while to configure once done it is very fast, stable and can be tailored with any other application one would like to use for those functions one requires.
I have "urxvt" setup as a pseudo tiling application that opens 4 equal sized terminals per desktop space. I really like this feature in a floating windows manager. In ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml, I created a keybind to open urxvt (Meta-u) then in ~/.Xresources I configured the size of the urxvt window to be 1/4 of the screen. The result is what you see after opening 4 terminals in a row on a selected desktop space. Simple but works quite well for when I am doing command line stuff. It did take of few trials after selecting the font to use to get it right but once done you're good to go.
At the moment the init is "dinit". I like the speed and the simple configurations of the scripts and for me the commands to manage are easy to remember. Although I have also used OpenRC and Runit in the past as well.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: corysanin on 10 January 2023, 09:31:22
Mine is a simple XFCE desktop heavily inspired by Manjaro. The wallpaper is an edited photo of the BP bridge ( that I took in 2019.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 10 January 2023, 14:27:34
Mine is a simple XFCE desktop heavily inspired by Manjaro.
Nice specs you've got there!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: corysanin on 10 January 2023, 20:19:49
Thanks! Still on the lookout for a 7900XTX. My 6800XT was purchased used from a scalper and it's in terrible shape. It's got bent fins, a dented backplate, and it crashes if it's under too much load.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Hitman on 11 January 2023, 15:42:04
Thanks! Still on the lookout for a 7900XTX. My 6800XT was purchased used from a scalper and it's in terrible shape. It's got bent fins, a dented backplate, and it crashes if it's under too much load.
Sounds like me with my ryzen motherboard, i've blown a vrm phase, bent it with a cooler had water on the chipset, it's still rock stable to this very day :D
And i have a similar gpu albeit lower end, a 5500XT, but mine is plagued with the tjunction problem, repasting only got it from 105C to 102C. Keeping it power limited for now. Probably i have to do a thermal pad mod too.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: AquaVerso on 15 January 2023, 20:19:32
i3 + Gruvbox
( (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Surf3r on 02 February 2023, 07:28:44
 'Patented' a new ghostly taskbar look. Background image for all those 4 panels is a transparent image which lets wallpaper breathe
  thru  🫣 Wallpaper is also stolen from some picture. Xfce btw 😉

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Surf3r on 03 February 2023, 15:04:02
  Played a bit more with these things and made a cool background for the shell. Used a transparent customized background image with Artix logo and a moon behind it
  and draw a thin 1px white line on the edge. This fits for a 112x19 shell geometry that has no borders. If anyone curios to edit/play with it, here's the  
  image (

  Used a 4th panel exclusively destined for the systray cos it changes its length when hid option is disabled. This way it doesn't messes with the other panels that i need
  them fixed.

  And here's how it looks like.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: doheka on 21 April 2023, 10:14:07
Artix/Pantheon Shell/Dinit
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: m1k3 on 26 May 2023, 03:39:42
Xfce + Dinit:

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cat herders of linux on 06 June 2023, 04:57:23
mate needed an update and as fate would have it, i stole from plasma that which looks good
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: arch-mage on 19 June 2023, 11:20:13
Here goes ricing.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: ahloi on 27 June 2023, 11:55:53
Current desktop

( (

( (

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Surf3r on 01 September 2023, 12:44:37

 In case anyone wants some fun with pacman here's the download download (

 And here's how it looks. I use xfce terminal settings and choose stretched adjustment so it fits roughly all terminal window sizes.


Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Cale on 04 November 2023, 14:53:18
Cinnamon Desktop

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: em-777 on 20 January 2024, 03:47:12
DWM + OpenRC

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Gilou on 21 January 2024, 08:25:55
Nice screenshots and a great selection of different styles and setups.
The past week I've been tinkering with my newly set up system trying to find out what would suit me best. Here is where I am at the moment: OpenRC +  awesome dotfiles


I am using an old Thinkpad (W510). I still like it very much, the keyboard is so nice compared to most of the new ones, the screen is also very pleasing to the eyes and I maxed out the RAM with 32 GB. The NVIDIA Quadro only has 1GB but it is working well when using the proprietary drivers (this is really helping keeping the laptop quieter when watching videos).

I had to wrap my head around the awesome configuration and the lua programming language, which I never heard of before. I am still struggling with some setups but with taking small steps (restarting awesome after every small change in order to see if it's breaking) there has been some progress. For example, screen brightness control is something I cannot do without and I knew the configuration for my nvidia card with previous setups. It worked but not with awesome. It took me quite some time until I found the solution in setting the kernel parameter acpi_backlight=vendor.

Still a work in progress but I am getting there.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 27 January 2024, 13:33:51
Just default (almost) sway in Artix Linux with s6 init :)

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: calvinh on 27 January 2024, 19:30:36
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: sbhat on 03 March 2024, 01:49:24
Worked on a wallpaper that may go well with the Nord colorscheme. Let me know your thoughts!
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 03 March 2024, 13:55:12
Worked on a wallpaper that may go well with the Nord colorscheme. Let me know your thoughts!
You should reduce the contrast between the logo and the background, because it can make transparent terminal text hard to read on the logo if the transparency is high. Also, the single-color background is a little uninteresting, perhaps you should use something subtle and abstract?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cr6 on 18 March 2024, 21:15:23
Artix XP Xfce for older people  ::)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrfreeman on 18 March 2024, 21:42:27
Artix Linux KDE Plasma 6 (19.03.2024).

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: gripped on 18 March 2024, 22:24:15
Had this for at least 5 years.
Every time I've changed it I've ended up changing it back again
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 19 March 2024, 22:29:16
Had this for at least 5 years.
Every time I've changed it I've ended up changing it back again
Demand fastfetch.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: gripped on 20 March 2024, 02:31:44
So out of the loop I had to look up fastfetch
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 20 March 2024, 13:34:42
( (
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 30 March 2024, 21:00:49
( (
What's this NextStep-like setup?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 02 April 2024, 13:15:03
What's this NextStep-like setup?

Hello. This is default setup :)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: gripped on 02 April 2024, 14:14:02
What's this NextStep-like setup?

Hello. This is default setup :)
I like puzzles (Though I'm really stuck on the Talos principle 2 atm)
I'm going with 'Window Maker" ?
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: corysanin on 02 April 2024, 16:49:53
I like puzzles (Though I'm really stuck on the Talos principle 2 atm)
I'm going with 'Window Maker" ?
I think that icon that reads "AfterStep" in the bottom right is a clue  ;)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: gripped on 02 April 2024, 17:36:00
I think that icon that reads "AfterStep" in the bottom right is a clue  ;)
You're probably right. Unless it is a misdirection.
But now you know why I suck at Talos Principle 2 !

Edit: Yay. Just done the puzzle I've been stuck on for days.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrbrklyn on 05 April 2024, 16:20:50

Hello. This is default setup :)
I like puzzles (Though I'm really stuck on the Talos principle 2 atm)
I'm going with 'Window Maker" ?

It is great but I have to admit that much application incompatibility has crept into it over the decades, especially in the last year.  Chromium is retarded in it and firefox is also now acting weirdly.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 05 April 2024, 17:41:33
It is great but I have to admit that much application incompatibility has crept into it over the decades, especially in the last year.  Chromium is retarded in it and firefox is also now acting weirdly.


Afterstep works great. So far I have noticed only one drawback - in full screen (mpv), pager, wharf, WinList and MonitorWharf are not covered by mpv.

Afterstep is usable, but I think wmaker is much better.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: mrfreeman on 20 April 2024, 09:35:39
( (
What kind of DE on the screenshot?

upd: Already saw the window manager AfterStep.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: sysTux64 on 22 April 2024, 19:44:23
My Artix with runit and DWM
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: nous on 16 May 2024, 19:11:04
Found a very old, long forgotten laptop at work, still at π-kernel, posting from it. Love the icon theme.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: secretfirefox on 02 June 2024, 23:00:28
Hi. This is my current setup. I am loving my experience with Artix, and I just made this account to say thank you to the developers.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: lq on 10 August 2024, 23:54:59

No comments.  ;)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cds on 11 August 2024, 00:39:54
I'm not posting my dwm screens as they are fairly minimal.  Backgrounds are a collection of what most folks have, transparencies of course, pretty basic and not a real big ricing person.
I did want to post here just to say that there are a lot of talented folks here.  Really well done. Kudos for all the work you do. I for one, enjoy reviewing the work that has been done.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: cds on 31 August 2024, 14:18:43
So, there I was. Sitting there staring mindlessly at my old macbook pro. You see, in my obsession with needing to install sonoma, I pretty much fubar'd the damned thing. So it sat for several weeks. So I thought, why not... It's an intel. So here we are.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 29 September 2024, 15:51:57
Gnome minimal in Artix runit

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: rhyu on 16 October 2024, 21:54:27

I like this setup! Also: @sysTux64 which CLI tools are you using for the file explorer and music visualizer?

I'm going to customise my Artix installation from a KDE/kwin to something with windows tiling and I'm unsure whether I want to learn some Lua like @Gilou to get such an awesome (,8.msg39056.html#msg39056) (pun intended) setup or trying out DWM like in yours...

Anyone has suggestions on which one is easier to setup for a first-timer outside KDE or Gnome?  :-\
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: atlanelan on 17 October 2024, 00:40:40
Hyprland and Aylur's ags gtk shell.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 24 October 2024, 15:18:50
Minimal Lxde system. Minimal and lightweight :)
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 25 October 2024, 13:46:03
I installed qtile wm using pipx. It is very unfortunate that Artix does not have this window manager in the official package repositories.

Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: tintin on 26 October 2024, 05:30:28
I installed qtile wm using pipx. It is very unfortunate that Artix does not have this window manager in the official package repositories.
Personally, I don't know many distributions that offer so many graphical managers.
And even less relatively recent distributions...
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Ogis on 26 October 2024, 13:42:26

Personally, I don't know many distributions that offer so many graphical managers.
And even less relatively recent distributions...

Yes, you might be right. The official  repositories (without combining the aur and arch repositories, which I'm not going to do) are full of all kinds of goodies. I even managed to install xmonad using cabal install which works just fine. This concludes my experiments as I installed everything I wanted.
Title: Re: Show Your Screenshots Here
Post by: Altian on 09 March 2025, 09:03:47