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Topic: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer. (Read 14370 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #30
Btw, here is info about my selections during the installs:
- erase disk
- selected: Xorg, desktop/plasma, kdeapps,desktop/displaymanager, fonts, audio, printing

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #31
Please provide the output of

Code: [Select]
sudo -E calamares -d

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #32
If I choose just to install DM & LXQt from the last ISO, the install reach the end (in virtualbox)
Reboot. Then... no pamac. Not a good choice IMHO.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #33
pamac installed (why it is not by default ?)
KDE plasma too, fully working without any much effort.
(So the path to install seems to be: choose LXQT at install, then at reboot install the plasma meta package).

Now I want to try again on a real laptop.

Btw, I am very happy to see Gentoo init scripts in /etc/init.d. Please don't reinvent the wheel.
And to see OpenRC again ;-)

(I also tried Linux MX16 install, FYI I found the installer nice & easy to use)

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #34
If I choose just to install DM & LXQt from the last ISO, the install reach the end (in virtualbox)
Reboot. Then... no pamac. Not a good choice IMHO.

You can install yaourt and yaourt-gui to have access to AUR, but pamac exists in the artix repositories too.  It actually just got updated to the second new version 6.1.1 but the apptrayicon thingy is left behind to 6.0.1??  and somehow it is problematic.  If you had it installed before it still works.  That is on world-testing, while the tray app is on world.
There is also pamac-classic based on the old 5 (appearance) but the version number is 6.01.
Then there is pamac-aur in AUR.

Make sure you utilize the appropriate polkit for your desktop to make it work.
It is funkier than it used to be (2-3 months ago in Manjaro) but still nowhere as functional as synaptic.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #35
pamac installed (why it is not by default ?)
KDE plasma too, fully working without any much effort.
(So the path to install seems to be: choose LXQT at install, then at reboot install the plasma meta package).

Now I want to try again on a real laptop.

Btw, I am very happy to see Gentoo init scripts in /etc/init.d. Please don't reinvent the wheel.
And to see OpenRC again ;-)

(I also tried Linux MX16 install, FYI I found the installer nice & easy to use)

For me it fails when I choose LXQT too. I never tried any other desktop.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #36
I believe that every new distro has bugs which does take time to address. It is clearly stated that at this point that Artix Linux is a work in progress. I have installed Artix as an upgrade with Archlinux fully systemd installation without an up to-date guide. I have installed Aritx with the first LXQT ISO as well. I used the manual way to install just like Archlinux. I had a working system afterwards.
To just come into a forum and rant without providing any information on your errors or what issues were confronting you is just so... well a rant. It comes across like a troll which I hope that you are not.
It can be very frustrating to want something and not be able to achieve or obtain it. I view your comments in this thread in that fashion.
Now if you truly want to be free of systemd with pacman and a warm community, I would suggest taking a deep breath and explain the issues that are arising. Once the issues are know, I am sure that they will be addressed. It is impossible to know every combination of hardware, configuration and stuff to provide error free software. In fact I do not know of any software nor OS that is error free. I have been using computers since the 1980s. Yes that was in the days of DOS. Windows and Linux was not even in existence.
If you look at Devaun the Debian systemd free distro, it took them a couple of years to get to a stable release. Thus it would look like you are impatience to say the least.
I hold no grudges because life is too short to hold on to negativity since it always comes back to haunt one. So please take care and try to be calm. You will enjoy life more and have more fun.

Thank you for being so kind. You are right, it is very frustrating when you want something to work and you can't get it to work.
I gave Artix so many tries, on different machines and was successful only once, I think it was with very first iso.
Every time it failed to install I said that is it! I am not trying again, I give up, but then I do it again and again, but no matter what options I choose it won't install. It is always same error shown in screenshots in original post.
Does not that error indicate what might be the problem? Why is the problem denied by devs?
I know it sounds that OP and I are arrogant in demanding a fix, but that is only because of this denial that problem exists.
Yes, Artix is new, and I understand that it takes time to iron things out. And obviously I want to give them a chance to do it, but "others don't have problem, only you" attitude is bad approach.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #37
Please provide the output of

Code: [Select]
sudo -E calamares -d

sudo -E calamares -d
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/1002, 1002 instead of 0
12:59:40 [1]: Calamares version: 3.1.5
Translation: Calamares: Using system locale: "en_US"
12:59:40 [1]: Default font =====
Pixel size:    -1
Point size:    11
Point sizeF:   11
Font family:   "Sans"
Metric height: 18
12:59:40 [1]: Font height: 18
12:59:40 [1]: Available languages: ("ar", "ast", "bg", "ca", "cs_CZ", "da", "de", "el", "en", "en_GB", "es_MX", "es", "eu", "fr", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it_IT", "ja", "lt", "mr", "nl", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "th", "tr_TR", "zh_CN", "zh_TW")
12:59:40 [1]: CalamaresApplication thread: 0x55ae103f4d10
12:59:40 [1]: Using log file: "/home/artix/.cache/Calamares/Calamares/Calamares.log"
12:59:40 [1]: Using Calamares settings file at "/etc/calamares/settings.conf"
12:59:40 [1]: Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/artix/branding.desc"
12:59:40 [1]: WARNING: the selected branding component does not ship translations.
12:59:40 [1]: Loaded branding component "artix"
12:59:40 [1]: STARTUP: initQmlPath, initSettings, initBranding done
12:59:40 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started
12:59:40 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done
12:59:41 [1]: STARTUP: initJobQueue done
12:59:41 [1]: Available size QSize(1920, 1048)
12:59:41 [1]:   Proposed window size: 1080 648
12:59:41 [1]: STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started
12:59:41 [1]: Initial locale  "en_US"
12:59:41 [8]: Translation: Calamares: Using system locale: "en_US"
12:59:41 [1]: Welcome string false "Artix Linux \"rolling\""
12:59:41 [1]: ViewModule "welcome@welcome" loading complete.
12:59:41 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
12:59:41 [1]: ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete.
12:59:41 [1]: ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete.
12:59:41 [8]: Loaded backend plugin:  "pmlibpartedbackendplugin"
12:59:41 [1]: ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete.
12:59:41 [1]: ViewModule "users@users" loading complete.
12:59:42 [1]: ViewModule "netinstall@netinstall" loading complete.
12:59:42 [1]: ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete.
12:59:42 [1]: Module "partition@partition" already loaded.
12:59:42 [1]: QML import paths: ("/usr/share/calamares/qml", "/usr/bin", "qrc:/", "/usr/lib/qt/qml")
12:59:42 [1]: Module "locale@locale" already loaded.
12:59:42 [1]: Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded.
12:59:42 [1]: Module "users@users" already loaded.
12:59:42 [1]: FinishedPage()
12:59:42 [1]: ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete.
12:59:42 [1]: STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done
12:59:42 [1]: STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated
12:59:43 [1]: Need at least storage bytes: 8482560409
12:59:43 [1]: Need at least ram bytes: 1073741824
12:59:43 [1]: enoughStorage, enoughRam, hasPower, hasInternet, isRoot:  true true true true true
12:59:43 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to:  "us" - ""
12:59:43 [8]: getting smart status failed for  "/dev/sda" :  Input/output error
12:59:44 [8]: getting smart status failed for  "/dev/sdb" :  Operation not supported
12:59:44 [1]: Removing unsuitable devices: 2 candidates.
12:59:44 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
12:59:44 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
12:59:44 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
12:59:44 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
12:59:44 [1]:   .. Removing device with iso9660 filesystem (probably a CD) on it "/dev/sdb"
12:59:44 [1]: node      capacity        name    prettyName
12:59:44 [1]: "/dev/sda" 120031511040 "ATA KINGSTON SUV400S" "ATA KINGSTON SUV400S – 111.79 GiB (/dev/sda)"
12:59:44 [1]: .. 1 devices detected.
12:59:47 [1]: "Osprober lines, clean:\n"
12:59:47 [1]: Updating partitioning state widgets.
12:59:47 [0]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Storage capacity  B: 523239424 "(0GB)" for ""    length: 1021952
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Available storage B: 11216117760 "(10GB)" for "/dev/sda1"    length: 22472704    sectorsUsed: 566224    fsType: "ext4"
12:59:47 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Storage capacity  B: 11506024448 "(10GB)" for "/dev/sda1"    length: 22472704
12:59:47 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda1" authorized for replace install.
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Available storage B: 100547145728 "(93GB)" for "/dev/sda2"    length: 200704000    sectorsUsed: 4322856    fsType: "ext4"
12:59:47 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda2" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Storage capacity  B: 102760448000 "(95GB)" for "/dev/sda2"    length: 200704000
12:59:47 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda2" authorized for replace install.
12:59:47 [1]: Required  storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)"
12:59:47 [1]: Storage capacity  B: 522158592 "(0GB)" for ""    length: 1019841
12:59:47 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #38
Please provide the output of

Code: [Select]
sudo -E calamares -d

Running calamares with these options installed successfully! Is that all???
After all this time and frustration.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #39
No we are not same person, although we may have met over at Manjaro forums. (fora, in case someone is paying attention to grammar and spelling)
Btw, how many people are involved in Artix project? More that half dozen? If so, why isn't anyone, except Artoo responding to this issue? Mandog, you are looking like their spokesperson.
Let's get back to the issue. As someone who successfully installed Artix on 5 different machines can you tell us how you did it.
Starting with creating bootable media. What tool did you use to create media? Did you install on already partitioned HD? Or created fresh partitions? Legacy BIOS or UEFI?

Something's gotta be the key to success, since this iso does not work like any other I tried.

Thanks again mandog!

1st i'm not a spokesman for Artix totally the opposite, I'm a constructive critic just like I am with Manjaro. I only installed on AMD CPU Desktops as users were implying I was either lucky or telling lies.
I did multiple installs, and I only ever install to metal.The last when the i3 ISO was released to try and help a user with problems installing nothing more just to help.
So to install I use suse-imagewriter or Etcher they are GUI for pure DD. boot the usb terminal sudo calamares -d  off we go choose a partition to install lang, time-zone etc, format ext4 choose what I want to install. uncheck the rubbish not needed press install wait 4 hours done, reason for the wait very slow internet hear 100kbs max not 100mbs like some other countries ,  and fucking calamares struggles to setup grub with multi 2tb drives "My biggest rants with manjaro".  a cli installer takes upto 5 mins not a hour like every GUI installer.
But now do you see why your system info is very important.

Due to being dyslexic by the time i wrote this you worked it out
So now you see CLI works and all Gui installers should be started that way for a reason even in 2017

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #40
1st i'm not a spokesman for Artix totally the opposite, I'm a constructive critic just like I am with Manjaro. I only installed on AMD CPU Desktops as users were implying I was either lucky or telling lies.
I did multiple installs, and I only ever install to metal.The last when the i3 ISO was released to try and help a user with problems installing nothing more just to help.
So to install I use suse-imagewriter or Etcher they are GUI for pure DD. boot the usb terminal sudo calamares -d  off we go choose a partition to install lang, time-zone etc, format ext4 choose what I want to install. uncheck the rubbish not needed press install wait 4 hours done, reason for the wait very slow internet hear 100kbs max not 100mbs like some other countries ,  and fucking calamares struggles to setup grub with multi 2tb drives "My biggest rants with manjaro".  a cli installer takes upto 5 mins not a hour like every GUI installer.
But now do you see why your system info is very important.

Due to being dyslexic by the time i wrote this you worked it out
So now you see CLI works and all Gui installers should be started that way for a reason even in 2017

Thanks mandog!

sudo calamares -d
Is this documented anywhere? If not, why? If yes, boy do I feel stupid!


Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #41
Thanks mandog!

sudo calamares -d
Is this documented anywhere? If not, why? If yes, boy do I feel stupid!
So now, because I CAN, I went to install Plasma (not my preferred desktop) but just because I can I did it. And it installed!
I am going to take a walk now, get some fresh air and enjoy feeling stupid.
See ya later

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #43
Great you cracked it I think I have a distinct advantage being dyslexic I have to read everything multiple times to make any sense of what I read so I just get it right
I think so its been mentioned many times, but Artix really needs help in that department as does Void, and many more, Unfortunately this is where Arch/Gentoo exel so when you use anything loosely based on them you expect the same,
its chicken and egg unfortunately which comes 1st documentation that needs constantly updating or stabilising,  Or the system that also needs constantly updating, due to the fact its based on arch and is rolling.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #44
For me it fails when I choose LXQT too. I never tried any other desktop.

I took the lxqt iso from sourceforge. it has the same name but seems to be different.
You can  launch it with "-d" option, just to check there is no error. In fact at first I thought it freezed (at 26%), but I forgot it and left it in background while I was working. after a very long delay, I surprisingly saw the "installed" message.

But mainly: that python error has been fixed.