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Topic: as per artoo - to help the project (Read 2603 times) previous topic - next topic
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as per artoo - to help the project

A word on the still incomplete artix repos.

In order for us to complete the world repo, it would be very helpful if users uncomment in their /etc/pacman.conf

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

This will show for pacman update operations a full list with the source repo the update is coming from.

If you encounter packages from arch's extra repo(except desktop environment packages, eg lxqt, plasma/kf5, gnome), please report the package name at best on github.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #2
After a quick look I reckon I use about a third of all the extra packages so perhaps its best to take them all or at least most then monitor there usage in the world repo?

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #4
Github link for list of packages reporting/bugs:

That's for non-desktop stuff.

WARNING: the paclist command is for the moment malfunctioning for some reason!

Please try the following script:

 ... and ignore paclist references in the original post below, it doesn't handle all situations as it should.

Code: [Select]
paclist extra

... would give the full list of installed packages from that repo,
Code: [Select]
paclist  extra  | awk '{print $1}'
removes the version numbers.

I've got 500+ of them.

I think
Code: [Select]
pacman -Sl extra
should be doing the same thing ... but it gives me 3000+ packages (?!)

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #5
We ask users to please report eventually missing library packages, non gui packages at the github issue.

Artix repos have currently about 850 packages altogether, but we still miss here and there packages that should be in world and not come from extra arch, except DE related or gui packages.
We first need to complete any missing non gui package before we could take on any gtk or qt related package concerning DEs.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #6
Github link for list of packages reporting/bugs:

That's for non-desktop stuff.

Yes this is what I was asking for,  so I left a request in it already.
Github is more oriented for developers.  The rest of us mortals just get (git) stuff and not have an account.  The reason to have an account is so you can form your own repository.
This modern trend to impose memberships into sites with tons of scripts running to access them is very disturbing.  And all this is because it is more convenient for developers to look at their board and "not" look at either the forum or the list.

Sf also has changed its format to be even heavier on scripts and harder to get anything without a script.
"having a problem downloading?"  Yes, sf/mf!

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #7
And all this is because it is more convenient for developers to look at their board and "not" look at either the forum or the list.

A forum is no place to report bugs, its simply a no go to scan through dozens of threads.
Simply no time for forum, GH or any bugtracker/ticket system is designed for exactly the task of getting work done. A forum is not up to this task.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #8
If you don't have time to read a long story go to the last line under the dashes line.  If you care and have the time read on!

Then a bug reporting simple mail gadget should be sufficient, if it doesn't exist, and if it does why not use it.
But here we are not really talking about bugs, if understand the thread correctly, we are talking about relatively bug-free Arch pkgs that "users" would like to see ported into Artix.

I translate this as systemd (and family) free pkgs without even the need for fake systemd libraries etc.

I suspect that many users will not go through this path to report a needed pkg.

I know you can choose and do what you like, what I say may be irrelevant to you, but as a user I can provide you with a different perspective.  I do not like to have an active github account, log in, leave and take cookies, associate this and that through browser, just to propose to the developers they should put some Arch package up for consideration for cleaning and importing to Artix.  That's all!

It may be a unique perspective, it may not.  I am interested in finding out whether Artix is going to be part of the problem or part of the solution.  It seems as it is walking a fine line.   As @nous has very clearly stated in the past, it is what it is, take it or leave it.  That is the only principle and value in Artix.  At least we owe it to a community to when we do leave to clarify why it is that we left.

If you still don't understand what I am saying consider this:


What if torproject or tails had a facebook or google+ page for feedback and bug reporting?  Would anyone take them seriously?

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #9
Would the mailing list be acceptable for you fungalnet? I can understand not wanting a github account; it's not exactly my favorite site in the world either. I assume Artix devs will be quite happy to accept bug reports through the mailing list (correct me if I'm wrong). I definitely agree with artoo that the forum is no place to report bugs. But I think the mailing list is a reasonable alternative if you don't want to use github.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #10
For bug reporting, having a centralized tracker with all the proper tools related to it is invaluable. Maybe for the issue of listing packages from 'extra', an exception could be made, since it's more of a user package popularity contest, that the devs will use to decide the priority of migrating packages. Even a forum thread with links to pastebin sites could be helpful since it would lower the barrier to reporting.

I also think that a lot of the libraries that I have are being pulled in by GUI software, media players, libreoffice, xorg, etc. Should those second-tier dependencies be reported as "non-gui" or not?


Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #11

I also think that a lot of the libraries that I have are being pulled in by GUI software, media players, libreoffice, xorg, etc. Should those second-tier dependencies be reported as "non-gui" or not?

Yeah, these would be candidates to consider adding on a case by case base.

Our aim is that all build depends and runtime depends everything not related to DEs specifically will come from artix world.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #13
"The forum is not the place for ...."

I see github becoming a circus as well so I say a modified bug-reporting tool would save devs much agony.
pkg name, version, repository, problem description (in 300 characters), and some intelligent threading of those reports/emails would work.

The pkg name and version should have an autocompletion/checking database behind it so it is not making multiple entries for the same pkg due to a small mispelling.  It has to be either a valid pkg name and version or it is not accepted as a report.  The repository spec is only necessary when the same pkg may exist in several repositories.

Re: as per artoo - to help the project

Reply #14
For elitist, circus-avoiding reasons, I came up with:

Code: [Select]
for package in `./`; do echo -n $package' ';  expac %N $package -l"\n" | wc -l ; done | sort -t' ' -k2 -nr

Where '' would be the above-mentioned script on github.

This sorts the 'extra' packages by number of other installed packages that actually depend on them: