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Topic: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations (Read 1197 times) previous topic - next topic
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How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

  • Edit /etc/default/grub and comment or change the "GRUB_THEME=" line:
    Code: [Select]
  • Update the grub.cfg:
    Code: [Select]
    sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • Find Artix theme packages (Be careful that you only remove theming related packages, see package summary below):
    Code: [Select]
    pacman -Qsq artix
  • Uninstall Artix theme packages (Example for current Plasma ISO (artix-plasma-openrc-20230814-x86_64.iso)):
    Code: [Select]
    sudo pacman -Rns artix-branding-base artix-grub-theme artix-gtk-presets artix-qt-presets sddm-theme-artix
  • Reboot and profit

Package List and Summary:
Probably Annoying
  • artix-branding-base - Base Artix branding and shell theming
  • artix-cinnamon-presets - Cinnamon theme presets
  • artix-community-presets - Community ISO application appearance presets
  • artix-desktop-presets - Common desktop appearance presets
  • artix-gtk-presets - GTK theme presets
  • artix-i3-presets - i3 theme presets
  • artix-qt-presets - Qt theme presets
  • sddm-theme-artix - Theme for SDDM

Probably Fine:
  • artix-backgrounds - Background wallpapers
  • artix-backgrounds-extra - Extra background wallpapers
  • artix-dark-theme - Plasma theme
  • artix-grub-theme - GRUB theme
  • artix-icons - Theme icons

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #1
FYI artix-branding-base doesn't have anything to do with gui themes, and is not a dependency of the other pkgs. I would advice against removing that.

Code: [Select]
Files used by package
4.0K /etc/sysctl.d/99_magic_sysrq.conf
4.0K /etc/rc.local
4.0K /etc/local.d/local.stop
4.0K /etc/local.d/local.start
4.0K /etc/local.d/cleanup.start
4.0K /etc/local.d/branding.start
4.0K /etc/DIR_COLORS
4.0K /etc/bash/bashrc.d/local.bashrc
0 /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #2
FYI artix-branding-base doesn't have anything to do with gui themes, and is not a dependency of the other pkgs. I would advice against removing that.

It might not be GUI theming but it is Artix theming nonetheless and it appears to do nothing important. This is worth noting for those who may care but my post is about removing Artix theming altogether. Also, such packages may cause issues for people attempting to theme their shell.

Edit: Topic updated

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #3
Well yes but when you're starting to remove more than what's needed you're getting at the soul of the distro here and it's uncomfortable.
Also in all honesty only the gtk/qt-presets packages can have conflicting files with themes, if even.
Even artix-desktop-presets won't conflict as all of it's files are in /etc/skel so free to modify by the homedir after that.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #4
Well yes but when you're starting to remove more than what's needed you're getting at the soul of the distro here and it's uncomfortable.
Also in all honesty only the gtk/qt-presets packages can have conflicting files with themes, if even.
Even artix-desktop-presets won't conflict as all of it's files are in /etc/skel so free to modify by the homedir after that.
"if even" Read the multitude of issues with anybody trying to adjust their theme whatsoever. I'm not interested in which of these completely non-standard packages do what and don't think most people are either. I know that if I remove them, things will work as intended and I know how to theme my system the standard ways. I also know if I remove them then some update wont come along in the future and break something in my configs.

Now, if you want to talk about uncomfortable, search the word "theme" and look at all of the instances of people asking for help with their themes and the people helping them are like: *surprised pikachu face* "What is this completely unexplainable phenomena? Edit this config as a workaround" [SOLVED/PEBKAC]...

Or as the person who convinced me to try Artix put it:
"One bad thing about, the GUI isos come with a default custom theme that's a pain in the ass to disable."

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #5
I'm not interested in which of these completely non-standard packages do what and don't think most people are either.
Other distros do much, much more (or worse, for your sake). Did you see that despite you mentioned it twice, i still didn't tell you to "go make your own" until now?
I also know if I remove them then some update wont come along in the future and break something in my configs.
Heavy Qt themer here, nothing broke in 2 years. Gtk got broken once by stupid wxwidgets, not even by the css artix puts in that preset package (2 if you you count -desktop-presets with /etc/skel which i'm not sure pacman will mess with on an existing user account).
Now, if you want to talk about uncomfortable, search the word "theme" and look at all of the instances of people asking for help with their themes and the people helping them are like: *surprised pikachu face* "What is this completely unexplainable phenomena? Edit this config as a workaround" [SOLVED/PEBKAC]...
I'm not wasting energy to explain each of those 5-6 that i counted threads with potential conflicts due to the default theming here. Also in that thread, sorry for my nonchalance, but the OP was clueless and the issue came from elsewhere, something in /etc/environment which was rectified.
Or as the person who convinced me to try Artix put it:
"One bad thing about, the GUI isos come with a default custom theme that's a pain in the ass to disable."
How about you make your own decisions next time?

I have nothing against this guide or how you put the issue, this is also the first time i'm mentioning it. Why do you feel attacked about a FYI?

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #6
Other distros do much, much more (or worse, for your sake). Did you see that despite you mentioned it twice, i still didn't tell you to "go make your own" until now?
If we go down the path of "other people do worse", then nobody has done anything wrong since Mao

Heavy Qt themer here, nothing broke in 2 years. Gtk got broken once by stupid wxwidgets, not even by the css artix puts in that preset package (2 if you you count -desktop-presets with /etc/skel which i'm not sure pacman will mess with on an existing user account).
That's cool and all but that's for one of two reasons:
1: You don't have these packages installed
2: You don't change anything that would conflict with these packages (Which would include changing things within these packages as something that does not conflict)

I'm not wasting energy to explain each of those 5-6 that i counted threads with potential conflicts due to the default theming here. Also in that thread, sorry for my nonchalance, but the OP was clueless and the issue came from elsewhere, something in /etc/environment which was rectified.
Literally all of them would be fixed by this guide, it doesn't matter what the intricacies of how they work are, all that matters is that things work correctly without these packages installed. Removing these packages makes theming Artix have the desired behavior for the vast majority of users.

I have nothing against this guide or how you put the issue, this is also the first time i'm mentioning it. Why do you feel attacked about a FYI?
I don't feel attacked, you seem to feel the need to make an argument about whether or not these non-standard packages of zero utility should be uninstalled. I feel like this is projection.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #7
Incidentally Mao is highly regarded and revered in China as a founding father of their society, they have memorials and statues in his honour. Different side to the story. Some big Artix supporters in China, check your mirror list. If you look at the pebkac thread then you would have seen the post about the Base iso being the only officially supported iso, which has no theming, the others are there for convenience. My issue with the GUI iso's would be the fact a BTRFS install (or at least those times I have tried) auto creates a subvolume with no option not to do this while we are on the topic.  ;D  For any serious install I'm going to use, I use base though.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #8
Also incidentally if he wants to make the argument about Mao being totalitarian, well mindlessly mentioning what's good for the "vast majority of users" is making him exactly like that, doesn't it?

1: You don't have these packages installed
2: You don't change anything that would conflict with these packages (Which would include changing things within these packages as something that does not conflict)
I have those packages installed, i only remove NetworkManager and some video things.
There are user facing configs, maybe there are DE settings overwriting some (mostly Gtk) configs - where in the case of css stylesheets for gtk2/3 maybe - but in the case of Qt all the plugins and themes have their respective place and a conflict would be impossible unless you set QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE which to my knowledge is not longer set in env by default. I myself use Kvantum in the case of Qt, with lxqt-qt6plugin-git.
At least you could've told us which DE do you use, in my case LXQt+KWin is making clear what configs it targets.
If you worry so much about this, then why don't you complain about the real anti-theming problems happening currently: Gnome's libadawaita and KDE's kirigami ;)

...these non-standard packages of zero utility...
I feel like this is projection.

Yeah okay.

I don't want to continue further since I have a position here and I won't lose it over a debate. I will let the admins judge from here.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #9
I'm not interested in which of these completely non-standard packages do what
That throws up a couple of of thoughts to me.
Like what is the standard? If your talking Arch as the 'standard' then removing all non standard packages would leave you with no init.
If Artix is the standard then they are standard packages when installing from a GUI iso.

More importantly if you are writing a guide on de-theming an Artix GUI install I'd have thought taking an interest in what the packages you are encouraging people to remove actually do would be fairly important.

artix-branding-base is a special case. If you look inside the package, in /etc/local.d/ you'll see some scripts which don't exist, or are modified, after a reboot, when they are first executed. Removing artix-branding-base will not revert the changes that these files made.

Also of concern is that artix-branding-base contains /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules as a symlink to /dev/null
Now I tested on my system and the removal of this file is not causing my network devices names to change but Artix has many inits and methods of installation and I wouldn't be confident saying that no one without that file will have the same network device names the next reboot after removing it.

So there's a chance someone follows your guide, reboots, and then has no network ?

I'm not against the concept of the guide. Personally I don't install from iso's (except quick short lived VM's) as I prefer close to vanilla as well but for the record I do have artix-branding-base installed. Most of what it does are things I would do myself if I hadn't installed it eg. /etc/rc.local & /etc/sysctl.d/99_magic_sysrq.conf

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #10

 Maybe a checkbox at install time would fit everybody's taste. Those more experienced tick the box while the others let it as is.

If my wireshark-qt UI would look better without artix-branding I would remove it but I don't think I'm lucky enough by just doing that.

 I for one I like artix branding but I'm no expert in themes but just an average Joe 🧑🏻‍🌾


Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #11
Incidentally Mao is highly regarded and revered in China as a founding father of their society, they have memorials and statues in his honour. Different side to the story. Some big Artix supporters in China, check your mirror list.
It doesn't matter how good or bad Mao was in your opinion (Even though he's killed the most people out of any person in history), the point should be obvious
If you look at the pebkac thread then you would have seen the post about the Base iso being the only officially supported iso, which has no theming, the others are there for convenience.
Except it's provided by Artix so  if it does break something, Artix is at fault. Supported or not, I don't see why people wouldn't simply say "Just uninstall X package", that doesn't make any sense. The way the people who responded went about things was just a waste of everyone's time.
Also incidentally if he wants to make the argument about Mao being totalitarian, well mindlessly mentioning what's good for the "vast majority of users" is making him exactly like that, doesn't it?
The vast majority of Linux users want to theme their setup on their own, it's one of the major draws to Linux. Claiming that it is mindless to say so despite the myriad evidence is asinine
I have those packages installed, i only remove NetworkManager and some video things.
There are user facing configs, maybe there are DE settings overwriting some (mostly Gtk) configs - where in the case of css stylesheets for gtk2/3 maybe - but in the case of Qt all the plugins and themes have their respective place and a conflict would be impossible unless you set QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE which to my knowledge is not longer set in env by default. I myself use Kvantum in the case of Qt, with lxqt-qt6plugin-git.
You do realize you just listed a bunch of ways that the Artix theming conflicts with the conventional way of doing things, right? Does it also not occur to you that most people use a combination of Qt and GTK?
At least you could've told us which DE do you use, in my case LXQt+KWin is making clear what configs it targets.
If you worry so much about this, then why don't you complain about the real anti-theming problems happening currently: Gnome's libadawaita and KDE's kirigami ;)
It doesn't matter which DE I use, I am not asking for your help with theming. I made a guide for people like me who do not want the theming installed. I'm not the one complaining here, you are.
Yeah okay.

I don't want to continue further since I have a position here and I won't lose it over a debate. I will let the admins judge from here.
I take it you believe these packages do have some utility then? In what way? Making your system look like an expired chocolate bar? xD
That throws up a couple of of thoughts to me.
Like what is the standard? If your talking Arch as the 'standard' then removing all non standard packages would leave you with no init.
If Artix is the standard then they are standard packages when installing from a GUI iso.
The standard is how the DE implements theming, it has nothing to do with the distro at all
More importantly if you are writing a guide on de-theming an Artix GUI install I'd have thought taking an interest in what the packages you are encouraging people to remove actually do would be fairly important.
I did, that's why I added a list with summaries.
artix-branding-base is a special case. If you look inside the package, in /etc/local.d/ you'll see some scripts which don't exist, or are modified, after a reboot, when they are first executed. Removing artix-branding-base will not revert the changes that these files made.
Also of concern is that artix-branding-base contains /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules as a symlink to /dev/null

Now I tested on my system and the removal of this file is not causing my network devices names to change but Artix has many inits and methods of installation and I wouldn't be confident saying that no one without that file will have the same network device names the next reboot after removing it.

So there's a chance someone follows your guide, reboots, and then has no network ?
Removing the package also removes that symlink, because obviously it does. It's literally located at "/artix-branding-base/etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules" in the package, "pacman -Rns" 100% will delete it
I'm not against the concept of the guide. Personally I don't install from iso's (except quick short lived VM's) as I prefer close to vanilla as well but for the record I do have artix-branding-base installed. Most of what it does are things I would do myself if I hadn't installed it eg. /etc/rc.local & /etc/sysctl.d/99_magic_sysrq.conf
That is you, as I said, I added a package and summary list for this exact reason. If someone wants to keep something, they know which package to keep, thanks to me.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #12

 Maybe a checkbox at install time would fit everybody's taste. Those more experienced tick the box while the others let it as is.

If my wireshark-qt UI would look better without artix-branding I would remove it but I don't think I'm lucky enough by just doing that.

 I for one I like artix branding but I'm no expert in themes but just an average Joe 🧑🏻‍🌾
That's an excellent idea, and fully possible within Calamares

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #13
If we go down the path of "other people do worse", then nobody has done anything wrong since Mao
Well it might be pedantic and rather off topic but to elaborate my point, it seems not widely understood in some places, but Chairman Mao is a great hero in China and his childhood home is preserved as a museum and there is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing. The Anglo / Euro / US version of events is biased from their colonial influence over China being ended. From the mainstream Chinese perspective he saved them from the bad guys. Richard the Lionheart is a hero in the UK but not so popular in the Middle East, Alexander the Great is Alexander the Devil in some of the places he conquered, and they killed lots of people too. It's just not a great example on an international forum because that statement won't make sense to anyone from China or might even cause offense to Chinese contributors (and there are some) if no-one were to question it, and obviously it's a good thing for Artix to keep them on board, but I am not undervaluing your help in writing this guide either.

Re: How To Remove Artix Theming from the GUI ISO Installations

Reply #14
Well it might be pedantic and rather off topic but to elaborate my point, it seems not widely understood in some places, but Chairman Mao is a great hero in China and his childhood home is preserved as a museum and there is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing. The Anglo / Euro / US version of events is biased from their colonial influence over China being ended. From the mainstream Chinese perspective he saved them from the bad guys. Richard the Lionheart is a hero in the UK but not so popular in the Middle East, Alexander the Great is Alexander the Devil in some of the places he conquered, and they killed lots of people too. It's just not a great example on an international forum because that statement won't make sense to anyone from China or might even cause offense to Chinese contributors (and there are some) if no-one were to question it, and obviously it's a good thing for Artix to keep them on board, but I am not undervaluing your help in writing this guide either.
I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with Chinese propaganda, statistic manipulation and narrative control. Low estimates of his death count are around 15 million people, with upper estimates of 100 million. He was the worst person to ever live, all of your talk of him being respected is irrelevant to the point, which is that someone doing something worse does not make your actions justified (Which should have been obvious)