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Topic: Is Artix planning to gain more user? (Read 4672 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Right now, Artix linux is pretty bare bone in terms of "Out of the box", that is not a bad thing, there are user that want that.
So my question is, does Artix planning to gain more user by giving out of the box experience and try to become popular like Manjaro?
Or simply there are not enough man power to do that?

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #1
To risk being called out for "gatekeeping", personally I honestly don't want a Manjaro-like approach of "dumbing down things" and "out-of-the-box experience".

More popular and gaining more users, yes, of course, because we would have more users and we can iron out bugs further in our system. But not Manjaro-popular. Just "Arch-like"-popular.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #2
Konimex already said it all.
I would just add, even if we had the manpower, we would not take the manjaro approach. However, more users are coming with each release iso and are of course welcome.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #5
You missed the smileys, about arch-like (an unfriendly forum environment, thus anti-social) being popular

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #6
Right now, Artix linux is pretty bare bone in terms of "Out of the box", that is not a bad thing, there are user that want that.
So my question is, does Artix planning to gain more user by giving out of the box experience and try to become popular like Manjaro?
Or simply there are not enough man power to do that?

FWIW, Manjaro is not popular.

KISS design is advantagous and even as it is, Artix is too complex.  IMO, too many concesions to and systemd design.  If Artix needed more of anything, it is more Howto's, not more Umbuntu garbage to make users stupid. It also needs a better installers, and even a system admin platform would be nice.   But that is about it.

Did you get your anti-virus software for your OS?

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #7

I can't say it is or it isn't, but I suspect many people use Distrowatch as a measure of popularity.  According to their statistics Manjaro is more popular than debian, although half of the distros listed are based on debian.  In the past year Manjaro has climbed on top of ubuntu and mint, of DW stats.

msWindows is popular and so is the MacOS, and android.  What does that mean?  Nothing.  If you are selling a product and make a living or a fortune out of it you worry about popularity. Linus T. himself is advertising for years that some version of ubuntu is one of the best distros for developers.  And 300distros are based on what he makes.

I also think there is an equal fallacy to believe that KISS and barebones distros are appreciated by developers, or potential developers, and they are not attracted by the publicity of Manja and Ubu.  Look at how many of them upstream, many for no good reason at all, are restricting their own software to be used by systemd-distros only. 

Each distro seems to have and develop a philosophy and follow a path, and those who will see deep and far enough will join it.  Whether entry level users or polished developers.  Having a definitive aim and walk consistently shows character and that character will attract those who respect it.

Some people buy a Honda some buy a Hodaka or a Bridgestone.  You know how that goes.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #8
If something is popular then there's a question around who is this popularity around.

Today i have spent whole day linuxing and listening to music from my nice stereo headphones and panasonic discman made in japan. Sound is amazing. Who does that nowadays, nobody. Everybody goes on youtube and spotify.
I heard people who have contact with music that they wanna record it and be popular, but then i say and who are you going to be popular around?? Around these people who go listen to music on youtube or spotify?? You wanna be judged by how many views you have??

I am going back to cd's decided to buy them all the time now, cuz i enjoy it. This is the proper way of discovering new music, is to go record store, buy an album and listen to it on some nice device, not from iphone or laptop.
Let's say i have got home studio with amazing expensive equipment, me and my friends record music. And now what, somebody say that he wants to be popular. You wanna be popular around people who do this on youtube/spotify or people who go to record stores and buy physical copy and you get good quality and amazing personal service.

It's similar with linux, when i go on manjaro forum everybody is about google, youtube and all this stuff. That puts me off. I like people who can think for themselves, but nowadays everybody is brainless, everybody has to do what others do, copy each other.
 I go on linux forums and everybody is about steam all the time. Also there's that feeling that google and youtube is owned by everybody, cuz they can put videos there, release 'new content', get money for 'ads'. But more cash goes to these few people than to 'content creators' xD.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #9
I can't say it is or it isn't, but I suspect many people use Distrowatch as a measure of popularity.  According to their statistics Manjaro is more popular than debian, although half of the distros listed are based on debian.  In the past year Manjaro has climbed on top of ubuntu and mint, of DW stats.

The Desktop is dead...  I tend to tell if an OS is popular by how good the mailing list is ;)

FWIW, when SuSE went systemd I looked around for a new OS for the first time in a decade+.  I tried dozens of systems in rapid succession and some installed without asking me any questions! PLOP like garbage.  They were completely uncutomizable.   A bunch of others just wouldn't install.  I finally liked a KDE Arch cousin of Manjaro, that I can't even remember its name right now.  Slackware failed to install.  I looked at Devian and HATED the community.  So I doubled back and found a plesant community around Manjaro with an openrc option.  It had a solid installed and a solid admin tool.   Suddenly there was a fall out between Artoo and aaditya and Phil and Manjaro had a falling out.  I noticed 3 months later when I had a problem with getting rid of pulseaudio and the forum was closed. 

Many of the distros I tried simply didn't install at all.  Its like the whole community took a huge step backward about ten years, a real head scratcher... like the linux distros was too stable and boring... they had to break something to stay entertained.

Whatever.  There is no perfect distro, but Artix is pretty good and the community here is first class.  The last thing we need is to cover the entire OS up in surran wrap so that we can't get to the OS and I'm stuck with a bunch of bad decisions made by kids with no experience and susceptible to hype.  I'm getting to old for that.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #10
So your kids want plasma or gnome DT, so you have to provide them with something that has rtkit, elogind, systemd-lib, in it, so you choose artix.  In a way those kids decide what is needed.
The man in the trench-coat feeds candy to the kids, you are in the basement, I am on the pavement, watch out kids!

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #11
Whatever.  There is no perfect distro, but Artix is pretty good and the community here is first class.
If you ignore people such as cynicfm then sure, it's first class.


Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #12
If you ignore people such as cynicfm then sure, it's first class.

I agree that i am retarded, moron and have got issues, i am trying to have fun though and also i am aware that i can be pain in the ass because i tend to write too much text and most of it is lots of bollocks so i feel like i am or may be pain to people cuz they read this crazy crap, but one can always ban me, i been banned many times on forums so i am used to it.  ;) I won't feel offended.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #13
So your kids want plasma or gnome DT, so you have to provide them with something that has rtkit, elogind, systemd-lib, in it, so you choose artix.  In a way those kids decide what is needed.
The man in the trench-coat feeds candy to the kids, you are in the basement, I am on the pavement, watch out kids!

I didn't mean my kids.  I kids are experts, but you wouldn't know it if you talked to them.  They grew up eating and drinking Linux installfests.

Re: Is Artix planning to gain more user?

Reply #14