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Topic: Wrong docs in suite66 live iso (Read 762 times) previous topic - next topic
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Wrong docs in suite66 live iso

Checking the new weekly build image for suite66, XFCE. The documents included are for OpenRC.  :)

No big deal, just a reminder.


Re: Wrong docs in suite66 live iso

Reply #2
now installer don't work?i am  gladly the documents are correct now, well s6 on suite66 image...well least you were closer than openrc surely was incorrect back then, but i never bother me on reading materials...but helpful guide to know inner workings of something newer demons popping up that replacing sysd...sadly i wish every software stop supporting sysd but with money and under the table deals gonna over linux foundation...least we are trying to lower memory usage and boot different void runit version boot process..similar to suite66...just cleaner...s6 just only show one line...similar to sun operating system boot process except i don't know entire init stages due to sun os keyboard drivers don't boot after stage 3 for hardware driver is loaded..thats when its start loading installer process that i miss it from pressing any keys...dam sysV was too fast to see whats gonna on