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Topic: [SOLVED] vconsole script defect (Read 419 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] vconsole script defect

I've just installed a new artix with dinit, getting latest init scripts.

My keyboard layout and console font don't load on boot.
Checking startup messages, I see is called (and depends on so they are called.

but the vconsole script (/usr/lib/dinit/vconsole) expect the argument in $2 (which is always empty), it should be $1.

Re: vconsole script defect

Reply #1
Apologies for the very late reply since I've only seen your post now, but I pushed a fix. Wait for dinit-rc-0.4.3 to hit the nearest mirror.
now only the dinit guy in artix


Re: vconsole script defect

Reply #2
Thanks, solved :)