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Topic: Do not install kernels 4.13.x (Read 5031 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Do not install kernels 4.13.x

Reply #15
I got identical output from all my installations, I haven't checked devuan yet
Code: [Select]
[    0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xba, date = 2010-10-03
[    0.880799] microcode: sig=0x6fb, pf=0x1, revision=0xba
[    0.880843] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.

Re: Do not install kernels 4.13.x

Reply #16
Code: [Select]
[    1.195946] microcode: sig=0x6fb, pf=0x1, revision=0xb6
[    1.195994] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.

This hasn't happened in months, ever since Manjaro-Orc.
Ok, a couple or more weeks ago I had tried this on this specific installation and it froze.
I had disabled auto X login so I could be on console and maybe get a glimpse of what happens and if nothing weird happens try to start X with the sddm script or manually.
For some reason the microcode wasn't installed as I thought, but I installed the latest linux-zen and rebooted.
It booted fine, I started X and went straight into the login screen.  All fine.  Then I look at microcode and the tool, but the tool failed to install.  I was on firefox and at the same time I tried to invoke gksudo something and everything froze.
Rebooted and looked at logs, no errors on X.  I thought if I repeat everythin it would freeze again.  It has been about 10hrs since then.  Everything work great and I am actually on linux-zen.  But as you see above the output changed.  On the other two installations I haven't tried but I bet something in recent updates must have changed to make it work.  The linux-mainline 4.14 I compiled from Aur last week it froze before it even got to the console login.  I think it was while it was changing resolution on the console screen.  This is no -efi system, plain old bios boot.

So how do you fix something that is no longer broke? 


Re: Do not install kernels 4.13.x

Reply #17
Second installation good!

Could it be the updated firmware that we received today via sys-testing?  On this installation I had intel-micro since I installed it, 4.13 never would work.
I now wonder whether 4.14 will work as well, and I just deleted it a few days ago.

Code: [Select]
                        dc.             artix2@GX755
                       xdc.             ------------
                  '.. ddlc.             OS: Artix x86_64
                 c0d:oxllc;             Model: OptiPlex 755
                :0ddlolc,lc,            Kernel: 4.13.7-1-zen
           :ko.:0ddollc..dlc.           Uptime: 21 minutes
          ;KkxoOddollc'  cllc.          Packages: 1161
         ,Kkkkxdddllc,   .lll:          Shell: bash 4.4.12
        ,Xkkkddddlll;...';dlllldxk:     Resolution: 1920x1080
       ,Xkkkddddlllloxxxddollloooo,     WM: Openbox
    xxk0kkkddddollloooooooolooooc;.     WM Theme: Isawagorilla
    dddkkkddddollc::;,'.... .lll;       Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2/3]
   .xdxkkxddl'cl:.           .llc,      Icons: Gnome [GTK2/3]
   .0kkkxddl. ;'.             ;llc.     Terminal: lxterminal
  .KOkdcddl.                   cllc.    Terminal Font: Monospace 14
  0Okd''dc.                    .cll;    CPU: Intel 2 Duo E6550 (2) @ 2.333GHz
 kOkd'                          .llc,   GPU: Intel Integrated Graphics
 dOd,                            'lc.   Memory: 796MiB / 3814MiB
 :,.                              ...   CPU Usage: 8%
                                        Disk (/): 13G / 20G (71%)
                                        Font: Sans 12 [GTK2/3]
                                        Install Date: Sat 29 Jul 2017 3:46 PM
                                        Locale: en_IE.UTF8