ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols conflict
Every time that I run pacman -Syu it asks to replace ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols.
And it keeps asking it even after replacing it cause the next time it asks for another version.
So I added to /etc/pacman.conf:
IgnorePkg = ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-1000-em ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em
And now:
warning: ignoring package replacement (ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-3.2.1-1 => ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-2048-em-2.3.3-1)
warning: ignoring package replacement (ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono-3.2.1-1 => ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-1000-em-2.3.3-1)
This does not happen in Artix (x86) and I do not see 1000 and 2048 version there so they should be removed I think.