A total noob here, but I'm trying
I noticed that the technitium-dns AUR package does not have a dinit service definition and I tried to create one myself.
I have an up-to-date Artix installed from the latest image a few days ago.
dinit is version 0.18.0-5
Here is my current iteration:
type = process
command = /usr/bin/dotnet /opt/technitium-dns-server/DnsServerApp.dll
working-dir = /opt/technitium-dns-server
run-as = technitium
restart = true
smooth-recovery = true
log-type = buffer
waits-for = network.target
depends-on = technitium-dns-pre
type = scripted
command = /usr/bin/setcap 'cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=+ep' /opt/technitium-dns-server/DnsServerApp.dll
restart = false
after = local.target
Yesterday I managed to start the service.
Today it refuses:
# dinitctl start technitium-dns
Service 'technitium-dns' failed to start.
Reason: a dependency of the service failed to start. Check dinit log.
I cannot find the dinit log - I checked all the /var/log/dinit/*.log files ...
Does this ring a bell to anyone ?
Thank you in advance for your inputs !