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Topic: How to compile, install and enable a script? (Read 610 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to compile, install and enable a script?

I am new to s6 and just made my first service (for languagetool),  but I have no Idea how compile the script.
The only tutorial I could find is from gentoo and I am not sure if gento uses s6  or s6-rc.

 Can someone describe me how to compile a script and how to add it so s6 ?

Thanks in advance.

Re: How to compile, install and enable a script?

Reply #1
Be sure you followed the source directory format when making the service. It needs to be in /etc/s6/sv. Then for making the compilation step easy, you can just manually run the same hook all -s6 packages use (/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/s6-rc-db-update-hook). If that returns an error, then you messed up at some point. If not, then you should be able to use the new service.

Re: How to compile, install and enable a script?

Reply #2
I decided to switch to runit