Hello everyone, I write this because I started to see some errors from Friday and the only difference were the s6-scripts upgrades but I am not so sure.
So, I started to see some error in the boot but I don't know how to catch them and I don't know if those error are located in something like /var/log/boot. I would like to provide more information but I just can't. If you know how can I get the boot messages from s6 I will appreciate it. I searched in the web but I haven't found anything.
On the other hand, when the system boot I always get this message:
Exception ignored in: <io.TexIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'>
I searched in the web and it seems it's related to a script:
This is the output from the command "ls /etc/s6/sv"
ls /etc/s6/sv/
agetty-serial agetty-tty6 console-setup dmesg-srv logind mount-filesystems network rc-local syncthing-log udev
agetty-tty1 binfmt cronie getty misc mount-net NetworkManager-log remount-root syncthing-srv udevadm
agetty-tty2 bluetoothd-log dbus-log hostname modules mount-procfs NetworkManager-srv seatd-log sysctl udevd-log
agetty-tty3 bluetoothd-srv dbus-srv hwclock mount mount-sysfs pcscd-log seatd-srv sysusers udevd-srv
agetty-tty4 boot default kmod-static-nodes mount-cgroups mount-tmpfs pcscd-srv setup tmpfiles-dev ufw
agetty-tty5 cleanup dmesg-log locale mount-devfs net-lo random-seed swap tmpfiles-setup
The only service that is not provided by official repos is "pscd-srv", it's a package from AUR and I made the script but it does not contains anything special. Basically it's a copy from many of the official services. This is the content if I can help:
cat pcscd-srv/run
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
fdmove -c 2 1
exec /usr/bin/pcscd -f -i
cat pcscd-log/run
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
envfile /etc/s6/config/pcscd.conf
ifelse { test -w /var/log } {
foreground { install -d -o s6log -g s6log /var/log/pcscd }
s6-setuidgid s6log exec -c s6-log -d3 -b -- ${DIRECTIVES} /var/log/pcscd
foreground { install -d -o s6log -g s6log /run/log/pcscd }
s6-setuidgid s6log exec -c s6-log -d3 -b -- ${DIRECTIVES} /run/log/pcscd
Could you tell me what can I do to debug more properly this issue?
Best regards.