[SOLVED] Request s6 service for "nvidia-xrun-git" 23 October 2021, 18:33:29 Hi Can you pretty please provide an s6 service file for "nvidia-xrun-git" (since it relies on the "nvidia-xrun-pm" service to shut down the gpu at boot time, similar to what bbswitch does).https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-xrun-git/Thanks! Last Edit: 25 October 2021, 11:38:10 by nous
Re: Request s6 service for "nvidia-xrun-git" Reply #1 – 24 October 2021, 16:21:10 Seeing that this is an AUR package and it also requires nvidia drives to test, we can't really make it official in the repos. You can write the service yourself however. Glancing at that oneshot script I believe something like this is what you want.upCode: [Select]#!/bin/execlineb -Pexport TURN_OFF_GPU_ONLY 1exec /usr/bin/nvidia-xruntypeCode: [Select]oneshot