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Topic: Artix is awesome! (Read 443 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix is awesome!

I've been really enjoying running Artix for a bit now  8) This is my first Artix forum post and I wanted to say thank you to all the great devs who work on Artix.

I wanted to get the ly display manager working for me on Artix with the OpenRC system, so I made a new package on AUR called ly-git-openrc. I'm not sure where on the forum to let other Artix users using OpenRC about this new package, so can someone here please point me in the correct direction or move this post to the correct area on the Artix Forum.

Thank you all and this is a contribution from me back to this community.

Re: Artix is awesome!

Reply #1
Welcome  :)
As to your question I suppose the 'Openrc' subforum or maybe the 'Aur' subforum?
But I shouldn't worry. Thanks for your contribution.

Re: Artix is awesome!

Reply #2
Nice PKGBUILD, however a change should be made:

Since this is a compiled program, drop the "i686" and "aarch64" and just stick to "x86_64".
Arch dropped i686 support, the program won't even run on aarch64 since the machine code generated is for x86_64 processors.