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Topic: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers (Read 3635 times) previous topic - next topic
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NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Hi everyone, I can't install Artix Linux because the GUI won't start, the GUI won't start because I don't have the nonfree drivers I need :'(
I can't install the nonfree drivers, its asking me for kernel-source and it says I can specify a kernel source but I don't know how!! please someone help me so I can get Artix to install.. if the USB was persistent it might work, that way I could load a new kernel and it might work, but I can't do that.. I tried to use kexec and it just makes it crash on me...
nouveau isn't found when i modprobe for it but pacman says its installed, please somebody help me!!!!
I need to know what to specify as the kernel-source thing.. I can't install the NVIDIA driver package either, it tells me it needs linux-412 or linux-413 and its just not working... I am trying to use the .run package, thats the thing asking me for the kernel-source-path thing
I don't know all of what I'm doing down to the last detail, I'm still learning all this stuff.. somebody PLEASE help me!!

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #1
Can somebody PLEASE tell me where the kernel-source-tree is??? its not at /usr/src... I don't know what to do :(

I specified /usr/include/linux/kernel.h and its still rejecting it!!! OMG!!! I can see the kernel.h file!! WTF!!
I'm using --kernel-source-path=/usr/include/linux/kernel.h and that STILL is not working...  I don't know what else to do anymore :(

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #2
I was in a similar situation and to install the driver I did:
1) download the linux-xxx-headers (I don't know which kernel version you are using. If its the standard its the lts so you need to install linux-lts-headers

2) download the nvidia-3YYxx-dkms: its install automatically for every kernel and for me it work fine

3) download dkms

* to download and save the program I used: sudo pacman -Sw that download and save the package without install it

4) chroot into your Artix installation, install with sudo pacman -U the packages (headers, dkms, nvidia) and reboot

If you are lucky all will start.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #3
popped my harddrive into another computer to do the installation, then would just install the nvidia driver n pop it back into my desktop... well that didn't work either because the installer is retarded -.-'
<class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>
Command 'dbus-uuidgen --ensure' returned non-zero exit status 127.
  File "/usr/lib/calamares/modules/machineid/", line 54, in run
    check_target_env_call(["dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"])
  File "<string>", line 2, in <module>

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #4
This is unbelievable. I've wasted my entire morning!! THE INSTALLER IS SCREWED!!! -.-' good going artix linux team, good job wasting my entire morning with your broken installer!!! Not a clue how anyone else is using Artix when I can't even get it to install!!! I keep trying it over and over again and its the same damn error every time no matter if I choose BTRFS or ext4, I've tried selecting different packages to install at the one screen also and nothing makes a difference, now its hanging at 21%, I assume it won't move from that at all.
DamnWidget told me this was fully functional... fully functional my ass!

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #5
Nothing Wrong with the installer I have done 3 separate installs the last 2 days ago,
You give no details, Where did you install the Nvidia drivers from did you try to install nvidia-lts,  sudo pacman nvidia-lts 

or are you just blaming Artix as you have to blame something

Really if you want help 1st you need to help yourself by helping users to help you. I nor any other user in Linux/windows user magically can telleport your system info to help you. As far as I know you could be trying to install Artix to a bucket of poo,

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #6
The installer doesn't work, the issue I get is listed above. This happened on both i3 & lxqt ISOs, so yeah it is the installer.
I used a work-around because I can't even get the stupid video drivers to install, I popped the harddrive into my laptop to try to get it to install & the installer FAILS.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #7
"You give no details"
What? Are you blind? Learn to read moron. I listed the error above, Artix Linux is garbage.
The fact that you ask about nvidia drivers after I explained my work-around proves you aren't reading what I wrote. Go be a cocky prick somewhere else, asshole.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #8
Who are you ranting on at seems like Mummy needs to change your dyper in a hurry. I did 3 installs in 2 days no problems, Just because you have a problem with install does not make it Artix is garbage does it get some manners.
If you really wanted help you would ask you have failed to ask just ranted on like a spoilt child.
Insulting other users is not going to get you very far is it
In fact if I were you I would call it a day and go seek a newbie distro. perhaps window is more for you.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #9
"You give no details"
What? Are you blind? Learn to read moron. I listed the error above, Artix Linux is garbage.
The fact that you ask about nvidia drivers after I explained my work-around proves you aren't reading what I wrote. Go be a cocky prick somewhere else, asshole.
You are displaying an extremely patience trying attitude....and while you are supposedly requesting help from ppl who are willing to help, but owe you nothing in reality. I would suggest you adjust your attitude accordingly if you truly want help. Artix Linux is NOT garbage....grow up.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #10
I've tried selecting different packages to install at the one screen also and nothing makes a difference, now its hanging at 21%, I assume it won't move from that at all.

Calamares installer is not very smart and it is not designed to install your system from the repositories located all over the internet but to install outdated package versions from a squashfs. We make calamares to install your system from an up-to-date mirror so you don't have to update your packages after the installation is done (as you have to do in Ubuntu or CentOS for example).

Calamares was just installing the software that you selected in the previous step, as a side note, is always recommended to run calamares from the command line so you can see what it is doing even if it looks like it's stuck.

DamnWidget told me this was fully functional... fully functional my ass!

I am sorry that you had problems that you didn't know (or had enough patience) to solve yourself, but you have to understand that we are a team of people that decided to use an enormous part of their spare time to work for free to give you all a OpenRC fully functional free Linux arch based distribution, and that is a lot of work, work that -as I already said- we do for free just because we have some ideals and a willingness to fulfill them.

There are questions that any Artix users must ask themselves before to even try to use Artix Linux.
1) Do I care for the init system of my Linux distribution?
If the answer is no, you will be probably much happier using Manjaro, Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE or Mint.
2) Do I have enough experience, patience and willingness to try a distribution that is currently in heavy development mode and facing issues as complex as switch an init system?
If the answer is no, go to point 1

In another note, please guys, calm down, if you have nothing helpful to say, just don't waste your time arguing and insulting.


Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #11
"Artix linux is NOT garbage" well what do you call something that doesn't work? GARBAGE.
I'm still encountering the exact same problems on multiple PCs. How is that my fault???? Try a newbie distro?? LOL! Your distro doesn't work, that's not my fault, its yours!

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #12
"You are displaying an extremely patience trying attitude....and while you are supposedly requesting help from ppl who are willing to help, but owe you nothing in reality. I would suggest you adjust your attitude accordingly if you truly want help. Artix Linux is NOT garbage....grow up"
I am displaying an extremely patience trying attitude? LOL ok! But owe me nothing in reality? You owe your users a functioning distro, otherwise they won't be your users! Jack asses!! I managed to find header files for 4.9.41 which is the kernel version artix comes with & I encounter the exact same problem on all computers. The EXACT SAME ERROR.

"Who are you ranting on at seems like Mummy needs to change your dyper in a hurry. I did 3 installs in 2 days no problems, Just because you have a problem with install does not make it Artix is garbage does it get some manners.
If you really wanted help you would ask you have failed to ask just ranted on like a spoilt child.
Insulting other users is not going to get you very far is it
In fact if I were you I would call it a day and go seek a newbie distro. perhaps window is more for you."

You don't even read what I've wrote & now you're going to tell me I'm the newbie? You can't even make a functioning distro, that's not my fault. You don't even know how to fucking spell, learn some basic grammar & spelling before calling anyone a newbie you fucking retard.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #13
My computer gets wiped & then I get an error saying I can't continue the installation. That's not my fault, its YOURS. NOT MINE.
Really got my hopes up for an OpenRC Arch variant, too bad its total shit & doesn't even work. A huge waste of my precious bit of free time, thanks a fucking lot. Goofs. Devuan & MX Linux make better distros anyways, I'll go use one of those... DISTROS THAT ACTUALLY WORK.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #14
Calamares: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory