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Topic: Greetings everyone, I'm heavily considering a switch to Artix. (Read 1716 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Greetings everyone, I'm heavily considering a switch to Artix.

Reply #15
A lot of the mirrors get 404's. I could be forgetting something idk, but this is as far as I've gotten.
This should be harmless, according to the ArchWiki:

I did notice that, but I don't think the signatures are why mine are doing that. It's not connecting to the onion mirrors, and when I turn off the tor daemon it's still updating on the https mirrors, which is a pretty dead tell that it's not running over tor. I'm wondering if I need to adjust the ~/.bashrc variable? I tried adding SOCKS_PROXY="socks5://" to it  but I get the same results. Definitely my first road block. Downloaded all my typical software and it works fine, so no problems there. Haven't downloaded telegram yet but I'll add that when I get the flatpak repository. I may see if the people on the torproject forum know how to amend this pacman situation if nobody here has done this before. Not really a deal breaker just more habit than anything. I've been running onion repos for the past 3 years so it's just something I'm use to. If I can't fix it I'll just roll with the default mirrors. If I can't configure pacman correctly I might can just use torsocks in the command line each time I update.