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Topic: Strange Graphical Errors (Read 106 times) previous topic - next topic
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Strange Graphical Errors

I booted my machine up today and was having some issues with my audio devices not outputting correctly, but in the process of tinkering with it, I updated all my packages and rebooted my machine, and now all my graphics are totally messed up in very strange ways. 

At first, greetd would try to boot up hyprland and I'd just get a black screen on both monitors, though you could sometimes see a flickering cursor when moving the mouse.  I could switch ttys and boot up Hyprland separately, and it would sort of work, but everything has a delay, and the screen artifacts any time changes occur on the screen.  I disabled greetd, and now when my machine boots up, it only displays the terminal on one monitor, though Hyprland does still display to both when started.
I'm guessing that something went wrong with the new nvidia drivers, but rolling that package back alone didn't seem to fix anything.  My graphics card fan keeps cranking up just typing on a website too, so definitely something weird going on with the drivers. 

Unfortunately I'm still a novice and really not sure where to go from here, I glanced through dmesg and saw a couple mildly concerning messages, but nothing that immediately jumped out as being the culprit.

Any thoughts on how I might proceed with troubleshooting?  Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Hmm, I just rolled back the rest of the packages and that seems to have resolved the problem.  The only other packages that looked like they could cause that kind of problem would be the kernel update though.  Not sure what the problem might be.  Looks like my audio issues are still persistent, though I imagine that's an entirely separate problem.

Edit 2:
Yeah, just updated everything but nvidia/linux/linux-headers and everything works fine, so definitely some kind of drivers issue.  Guess I'll just wait and see if it's fixed in the next version?  What do people normally do in this situation?