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Topic: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso (Read 3851 times) previous topic - next topic
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Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

I figured I would try to install in a fresh VM (VirtualBox, Gentoo Linux host) so I booted the VM from that iso.  Now what?  I finally found the installation guide at,41.msg278.html, but there's clearly some disconnect.  It seems to think I have things I do not.  The first hint is that is suggests "pacman -S ntp" to use ntpd to check the clock (which does seem off a bit, oddly) but that gave me an error (already forgotten.)  After finding lots of other instructions to use software not present, I figured I would try 'pacman -Syu' but that gave various gpg and invalid database errors.  Now trying 'pacman -S ntp' gives "error: GPGME error: No data" and "error: database 'system' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))" repeated for world and galaxy.  However, I would rather get the system installed instead of just updating the live system, all of which will be lost on reboot anyway.
I suppose I will end up downloading the i3 or lxqt iso's, both of which are twice the size of the base iso, but shouldn't it be possible to install from the base iso?  I'm eventually going to install KDE, so much of what's on the iso's won't get used, so I'd rather avoid downloading lots of bytes I don't need.
Both the VM and the actual host PC are BIOS booted.
(Just in case anyone wonders, this is completely separate from my mirrorlist problem (separate thread, now solved) which was on a separate PC migrated from openrc arch.)

So, bottom line questions:
- should it be possible to install (to a freshVM) booting the artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso?
- are there instructions other than the Installation Guide (linked above) or should those instructions be appropriate for all iso's?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #1
One source of the GPG errors was that source forge where the repo's reside was down last night it appears to be ok now perhaps try again.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #2
The pointed guide should work.

By the way, even if you donwload and use any of the GUI ISOs you don't have to install lxqt or i3, if you donwload any of the GUI ISOs you will be presented with a packages selection choice step (using the calamares installer, sudo -E calamares -d) so you can just install whatever you want.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #3
Thanks.  It does look like pacman is now working.  I actually knew sourceforge was down, and just didn't think about the connection.  I also know I can choose any packages from any of the iso's, I prefer to download the smallest iso if I know I won't use most of the packages on the larger ones.  The issue is that the base iso seems to be missing so many things - like calamares is not there.  I know  it is listed on the packages list accompanying the iso in the download directory, but it just isn't present.  "find / -name "calamares*" only shows the config files under /etc, no executable.  Is there any chance that the base iso got created without everything it is supposed to have?

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #4
The pointed guide should work.

By the way, even if you donwload and use any of the GUI ISOs you don't have to install lxqt or i3, if you donwload any of the GUI ISOs you will be presented with a packages selection choice step (using the calamares installer, sudo -E calamares -d) so you can just install whatever you want.
I think that should me made more clear, for the not so seasoned users.
That was the 1st thing I noticed you don't have to install lxqt/i3  the i3 iso is nice and small I used it to install JWM  for me its a good choice as the net here is kbs not mbs,
The other thing users need to know to use  sudo -E calamares -d from terminal.perhaps a little mod to the ISO could be printed on the install wallpaper to help users that it has not stalled at 21% or at  88% and how to start the installer.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #5
perhaps I can also be more clear.  The base iso is about 300M, the other two (i3 and lxqt) are about 600M. 

the base iso does NOT include many of the tools needed to do an installation.  Just for start, it does not include (at least not installed) calamares or parted. 

I'm still getting GPGME  errors and pacman database errors about PGP signature - is it possible I need to re-import the signatures?

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #6
PARTLY SOLVED - googling for similar issues, I finally looked and realized the mirrorlist included in the base iso is over a year out of date, and only includes sourceforge mirrors, and it seems SF is still not running.  I added one of the new mirrors to the top of the list, and it appears everything is working again - no more GPG errors.  How do we get someone to check on that base iso?  It probably just needs to be recreated with current data.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #7
When you update/upgrade after installation the artix-mirrorlist is updated as well.  Unless you switched to [system-testing] before the first upgrade I don't think you ever get an error.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #8
That's true, but not relevant here, as I couldn't do the install at all, since the mirrorlist on the base iso had ONLY sourceforge servers, and none of them seem to be available.  (I didn't rotate through them, so I suppose I can only be sure the first one wasn't responding.)  Once I added one of the new mirrors, I got much further, but still got stuck, since the calamares I installed wanted an older version of boost-libs than was available.  I finally gave up and downloaded the lxqt iso.  However, even that one has a bad mirrorlist - only SF servers.  Those iso's really need to be recreated.

Re: Trying to install from artix-base-rolling-x86_64.iso

Reply #9
The base ISO doesn't include calamares because calamares needs a lot of X stuff (including Qt5) that will make the ISO almost as heavy as lxqt or i3 ones so it has no sense to add it. The base ISO is intended to be used to install Artix as you would install Arch using the command line in a complete manual way.

In concern with the ISO's recreation, yes, they have to be recreated for that and for other reasons but we need first to finish things, it is something that we will do sooner than later but as you know we are pretty busy.