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Topic: Putting Firefox ESR in official repositories of Artix (Read 1495 times) previous topic - next topic
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Putting Firefox ESR in official repositories of Artix

Hello all on forum!

Is there any possibilities to put Firefox ESR release in official repositories of Artix Linux?

Re: Putting Firefox ESR in official repositories of Artix

Reply #1
This is for the time being not possible, we lack the server power to build these monsters.
We also would lack a maintainer if we had the monster power.

Re: Putting Firefox ESR in official repositories of Artix

Reply #2
In AUR there is firefox-esr-bin which downloads the binary archive of F-esr straight from mozilla and installs it.  No compiling necessary.  It is almost as easy as if it was in artix repository.  They even have ff-52-esr.
If you haven't tried waterfox though, you are missing out.  It is an improved ff-56 with all current security patches, if you liked 56.

Re: Putting Firefox ESR in official repositories of Artix

Reply #3
I think I might try to compile the ERS version tonight.  I might be worth the effort.  The thing about maintianing it is not so much the firefox core, but all those GTK extensions seem to be a PIA.  Those are the same extensions though, that make wanting an ERS version so desirable.  between Pulse and GTK, everytime those cores flinch, firefox is in jeopardy to not work.  It would be so nice to have an ESR without Pulse.