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Topic: How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel? (Read 2452 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel?

So I'd like to stop certain services that I do not need cause as much as I'd like to remove them completely from my system, they are a dependency of software I actually need and use. With that I'd like to begin with avahi-daemon and upon referring to OpenRC and other documentation that came along with the artix-linux I installed, I was able to see that avahi-daemon has no runlevel assigned and I cannot use the command specified by the documentation to stop the service cause it tells me that avahi-daemon has no runlevel assigned.

I want to know how to properly stop the service along with the reason as to why services, even without an assigned runlevel, is still ran at startup.

Re: How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel?

Reply #1
I am guessing that avahi-daemon is being started (Needed by) cupsd.  Atleast that is the situation on my system.  If you look at /etc/init.d/cupsd, you will see it as a depend-need:

Code: [Select]
depend() {
use net
need dbus avahi-daemon
before nfs
after logger

What I have done, and it works for my USB plugged in printer setup is to comment out the avahi-daemon need, making sure to keep the dbus need:

Code: [Select]
depend() {
use net
#DXR need dbus avahi-daemon
need dbus
before nfs
after logger

This will allow cupsd to run, but not start avahi.  Not sure about printers connected other than by USB; I assume avahi is needed then.  Please understand this is a change I did for my particular situation, its not an official Artix fix.

Re: How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel?

Reply #2
Hello sphericalumbra
first, check the running process and if it's service file is installed correctly:

andre@fuji:~$ ps -aef | grep avahi
avahi     1926     1  0 10:03 ?        00:00:00 avahi-daemon: running [fuji.local]
avahi     1927  1926  0 10:03 ?        00:00:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper

andre@fuji:~$ sudo rc-status
Runlevel: default
 rsyslog                                                                         [  started  ]
 rsync                                                                           [  started  ]
 dbus                                                                            [  started  ]
 lightdm                                                                       [  started  ]
 sysstat                                                                         [  started  ]
 anacron                                                                       [  started  ]
 avahi-daemon                                                             [  started  ]

And check these threads:,402.0.html
/Read it through, the solution might be there already.
OpenRC in general:,29.0.html

The reference of OpenRC:
I hope that helps
Greetings, andre

Re: How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel?

Reply #3
Sorry for the late reply folks! Been really busy these days and still busy getting things back to normal OTL
I'll try them out next week hopefully when I have less things on my checklist since currently I am not running artix and I only do so on my spare time for testing and preparing it to be deemed worthy of my full-time use

@dxrobertson Thanks for the juicy details! Thankfully I don't need printers nor avahi as I plan to use artix on a pure gaming/web setup so there are no worries

@andre Thanks for that and the references! I'll be sure to read up and learn more about the awesome OpenRC. Systemd is the plague afterall XD

Re: How to stop/start services that are not assigned a runlevel?

Reply #5
Many thanks for that! I apologize for not getting back to you in a timely manner due to RL things OTL
Admitted I have not yet install Artix as I still need to sort plenty of stuff out before committing to it but for sure I will definitely commit to it knowing that this is simply the most elegant non-systemd distro out there.

Now I'm back to business and I must say those commands really helped me! It also helped me understand open-rc to some extent