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Artix s6 installation from chroot


I tested Artix s6 installation from existing Artix Plasma with s6 with following steps

# mount /dev/sda22 /mnt

# swapon -s

# pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware nano

Later I completed all the installation steps as per wiki

what packages s6 packages would I need to have a working Artix s6 with XFCE4 desktop ?

What manual commands would I need to keep in mind for having a working Artix s6+XFCE4+sddm ?

Feedback in this would be great.


Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #1
Just installing s6 will pull in all the packages you need for a working s6 setup. For sddm, you'll want sddm-s6 and you should also get dhcpcd-s6, networkmanager-s6, or whatever daemon you use for internet.

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #2
I installed all the packages but cant login to xfce4 desktop . sddm is installed but login manager never shows up . startx crashes. I am not sure what went wrong. What log can I paste here to trace any issues?


Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #3
I installed all the packages but cant login to xfce4 desktop . sddm is installed but login manager never shows up . startx crashes. I am not sure what went wrong. What log can I paste here to trace any issues?
Need to make sure elogind-s6 is running

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #4
Here is algorithm of how I install arch linux from chroot. What modifications do I need to make in it to install artix linux with s6?

# mount /dev/sda18 /mnt

# swapon -s

# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-headers linux-firmware

# genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

# arch-chroot /mnt

# echo home-pc > /etc/hostname

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Karachi /etc/localtime

# hwclock --systohc --localtime

# nano /etc/vconsole.conf


# nano /etc/locale.gen

# locale-gen

# echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf

# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

# mkinitcpio -p linux

# mkinitcpio -p linux-lts

#  passwd

# useradd -m -g users -G adm,lp,scanner,audio,video,rfkill,optical,storage,network,power,games,wheel -s /bin/bash saleem

# passwd saleem

# chfn saleem

# nano /etc/pacman.conf

# pacman -Syyyyyu

# pacman -S crda uget aria2 sddm stacer

# pacman -S catimg chafa feh imagemagick jp2a libcaca pacman-contrib w3m xdotool xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xwininfo

# pacman -S --needed $(pacman -Ssq gstreamer0.10)

# pacman -S a52dec faac faad2 flac jasper lame libdca libdv libmad libmpeg2 libtheora libvorbis libxv wavpack x264 xvidcore gstreamer0.10-plugins

# pacman -S yaourt yay neofetch feh customizepkg rsync terminator unclutter geany geany-plugins ntp

# pacman -S ttf-droid ttf-liberation ttf-dejavu ttf-ms-fonts

# pacman -S pamac octopi pacaur octopi-repoeditor octopi-cachecleaner octopi-notifier-frameworks

# pacman -S xf86-video-intel mesa mesa-libgl libva-intel-driver libva xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit xf86-input-synaptics

# pacman -S --needed $(pacman -Ssq gst)

# pacman -S numix-icon-theme numix-themes plank-theme-numix libraw libchamplain

# pacman -S google-chrome firefox opera opera-ffmpeg-codecs pepper-flash upower vlc l3afpad gimp thunar viewnior gthumb ffmpegthumbnailer bleachbit

# pacman -S wavpack libdv libmad gst-libav libdvdnav fuse-exfat flashplugin libvorbis faac libdvdcss lame libmpeg2 libtheora libxv libdvdread exfat-utils a52dec faad2 flac jasper

# pacman -S jre p7zip tar rsync zip unzip unrar xarchiver file-roller

# pacman -S alsa-firmware alsa-utils alsa-plugins libpulse pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio pavucontrol

# pacman -S iw wpa_supplicant networkmanager network-manager-applet wireless_tools dialog

# pacman -S gparted dosfstools f2fs-tools btrfs-progs exfat-utils ntfs-3g nilfs-utils gpart mtools gvfs

# pacman -S pacman -S geoclue gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-libav libchamplain liboauth

# pacman -S libreoffice-fresh foxitreader

# pacman -S qbittorrent gtk-recordmydesktop skypeforlinux-stable

# pacman -S plasma-desktop plasma-nm networkmanager-openvpn

# pacman -S gstreamer gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly

# systemctl enable sddm

# systemctl enable dhcpcd@eth0

# systemctl disable dhcpcd

# systemctl disable [email protected]

# systemctl disable [email protected]

# systemctl enable NetworkManager


# nano /etc/ntp.conf

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst


Final additional command

# timedatectl set-ntp true

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #5
Need to make sure elogind-s6 is running

How to confirm that ?

And just now I did pacman -Syu and got this error

s6-rc-update: fatal: unable to read /run/s6-rc/state: Broken pipe
Switched to a new database. Feel free to remove any old unwanted/unneeded database directories in /etc/s6/rc.

how to fix this?

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #7

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #8
The s6-rc-update one is harmless. The script is supposed to have a check that prevents you from trying to execute s6-rc-update if s6-rc actually isn't running (so you don't see that message). Somehow, it executed it anyway so I'll test that one some more. I didn't think the /run/s6-rc directory would exist in a root partition you just chrooted into and didn't boot from, but maybe I'm wrong.

The s6-linux-init messages are more concerning. Can you check if you actually have those files installed on your machine? (/etc/s6/current/.....) If so, then you should be good to go anyway. Since there were no errors given from the post install script, I think you should have the appropriate binaries and everything built for your machine. I don't know why it told you that it couldn't find those files in the package though. That's very strange.

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #9
The s6-rc-update one is harmless. The script is supposed to have a check that prevents you from trying to execute s6-rc-update if s6-rc actually isn't running (so you don't see that message). Somehow, it executed it anyway so I'll test that one some more. I didn't think the /run/s6-rc directory would exist in a root partition you just chrooted into and didn't boot from, but maybe I'm wrong.

The s6-linux-init messages are more concerning. Can you check if you actually have those files installed on your machine? (/etc/s6/current/.....) If so, then you should be good to go anyway. Since there were no errors given from the post install script, I think you should have the appropriate binaries and everything built for your machine. I don't know why it told you that it couldn't find those files in the package though. That's very strange.

I did a fresh install from chroot with s6 with following algorithm of commands

Artix Linux s6 Installation from Chroot


# mount /dev/sda22 /mnt

# swapon -s

# pacman -S artools-base

# basestrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware s6 elogind-s6

# fstabgen -L /mnt >>/mnt/etc/fstab

# artools-chroot /mnt

# echo home-pc > /etc/hostname

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Karachi /etc/localtime

# hwclock --systohc --localtime

# pacman -Sy nano

# nano /etc/vconsole.conf


# nano /etc/locale.gen

# locale-gen

# echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf

# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

# export LC_COLLATE="C"

# mkinitcpio -p linux

#  passwd

# useradd -m saleem

# passwd saleem

# chfn saleem

# pacman -S xorg --ignore xorg-server-xdmx

# pacman -S xf86-video-intel mesa mesa-libgl libva-intel-driver libva xf86-input-synaptics

# pacman -S ttf-droid ttf-liberation ttf-dejavu

# pacman -S alsa-firmware alsa-utils alsa-plugins libpulse pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio pavucontrol

# pacman -S iw wpa_supplicant networkmanager network-manager-applet wireless_tools dialog

# pacman -S gparted dosfstools f2fs-tools btrfs-progs exfat-utils ntfs-3g nilfs-utils gpart mtools

# pacman -S trizen pamac neofetch feh terminator geany geany-plugins

# pacman -S --needed $(pacman -Ssq gst)

# pacman -S firefox qbittorrent opera vlc l3afpad gimp viewnior gthumb ffmpegthumbnailer bleachbit

# pacman -S wavpack libdv libmad gst-libav libdvdnav fuse-exfat flashplugin libvorbis faac libdvdcss lame libmpeg2 libtheora libxv libdvdread exfat-utils a52dec faad2 flac jasper

# pacman -S p7zip zip unzip unrar

# pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies system-config-printer blueman network-manager-applet

# pacman -S libreoffice-fresh java-runtime java-environment pstoedit libmythes beanshell

# pacman -S sddm sddm-s6

# exit
# umount -R /mnt

# reboot

I still could not login to desktop , sddm was not started , startx causes to crash .

(/etc/s6/current/....) are present

Do I need to execute some s6 related commands after the above ones to let system boot with s6 and services work ?

Please comment.

Edit : Wiki is not giving any instructions for post installation for s6

Re: Artix s6 installation from chroot

Reply #10
From these sequence of commands, there's nothing glaringly wrong here to me. You do probably want to add services to s6's default bundle though. For example in chroot, you would need to run something like this. The "-c" argument is important here because you aren't actually running the s6-rc service for your installation (you're in chroot).

Code: [Select]
s6-rc-bundle -c /etc/s6/rc/compiled add default sddm elogind dhcpcd

Edit : Wiki is not giving any instructions for post installation for s6

Good catch. I should add some instructions there.