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Topic: Get ZSH Tab Completion For Runit Services (Read 874 times) previous topic - next topic
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Get ZSH Tab Completion For Runit Services

In the _runit file in /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_runit, we can see the tab completion parses the environment variable SVDIR to determine where the available services are. After installing and using zsh, however, this environment variable is not defined. You can test the tab completion, however, by typing

`$ export SVDIR=/run/runit/service`

Followed by

`$ sv status <tab><tab>`

And you should see the services in /run/runit/service be listed. NOTE: running this command without sudo will mean permission will be denied.

So next, you can insert the following line into /etc/environment:


After this, reboot, and then zsh will have tab completion for Runit services.