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Topic: Issue on perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny installation (Read 469 times) previous topic - next topic
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Issue on perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny installation

why the build of this  Perl tiny module not work here but does work on Manjaro

Code: [Select]
$ pamac build perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny 
Warning: Setting build directory to /var/cache/pamac
Checking perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny dependencies...
Checking perl-dist-zilla dependencies...
Checking perl-moose dependencies...
Checking perl-moosex-types-perl dependencies...
Checking perl-app-cmd dependencies...
Checking perl-cpan-uploader dependencies...
Checking perl-config-ini dependencies...
Code: [Select]
To install (112):
  perl-net-http                           6.21-2      (Required By: perl-cpan-uploader)                      world     
  perl-text-glob                          0.11-8      (Required By: perl-dist-zilla)                         world     
  perl-mro-compat                         0.13-6      (Required By: perl-dist-zilla)                     

 perl-test-file-sharedir                 1.001002-1                                                         AUR
  perl-dist-zilla                         6.014-1                                                            AUR
  perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny  0.015-1                                                            AUR

Total installed size: 22.6 MB

Edit build files : [e]
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]  y

Then it was hanging
What would be cause of its failure while it's perfectly built & install on Manjaro ?

Re: Issue on perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny installation

Reply #1
why the build of this  Perl tiny module not work here but does work on Manjaro

Code: [Select]
$ pamac build perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny 
Warning: Setting build directory to /var/cache/pamac
Checking perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny dependencies...
Checking perl-dist-zilla dependencies...
Checking perl-moose dependencies...
Checking perl-moosex-types-perl dependencies...
Checking perl-app-cmd dependencies...
Checking perl-cpan-uploader dependencies...
Checking perl-config-ini dependencies...
Code: [Select]
To install (112):
  perl-net-http                           6.21-2      (Required By: perl-cpan-uploader)                      world     
  perl-text-glob                          0.11-8      (Required By: perl-dist-zilla)                         world     
  perl-mro-compat                         0.13-6      (Required By: perl-dist-zilla)                     

 perl-test-file-sharedir                 1.001002-1                                                         AUR
  perl-dist-zilla                         6.014-1                                                            AUR
  perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny  0.015-1                                                            AUR

Total installed size: 22.6 MB

Edit build files : [e]
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]  y

Then it was hanging
What would be cause of its failure while it's perfectly built & install on Manjaro ?

You have yay installed in the system?

Re: Issue on perl-dist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny installation

Reply #2
what a stupid miss
No need Aur
Code: [Select]
$ sudo pacman --overwrite '*' -Ss build.*tiny 
galaxy/perl-module-build-tiny 0.039-7
    A tiny replacement for Module::Build
community/perl-module-build-tiny 0.039-7
    A tiny replacement for Module::Build

$ sudo pacman --overwrite '*' -Ss term.*readline
system/perl 5.34.0-2 [installed]
    A highly capable, feature-rich programming language
galaxy/perl-term-readline-gnu 1.42-1
    GNU Readline XS library wrapper
galaxy/perl-term-ui 0.50-1
    User interfaces via Term::ReadLine made easy
community/perl-term-readline-gnu 1.42-1
    GNU Readline XS library wrapper
community/perl-term-ui 0.50-1
    User interfaces via Term::ReadLine made easy