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Topic: Complete cinnamon experience (Read 757 times) previous topic - next topic
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Complete cinnamon experience

For our cinnamon users, we now have a far more complete cinnamon experience with all the upstream packages from linux mint's cinnamon edition. This means you can have all the cinnamon xapps without having to build them in the AUR now. The new packages added are:

xviewer: an image viewer based on "Eye of Gnome"
xviewer-plugins: some plugins to add more functionality to xviewer
xplayer: media player based on "Totem"
pix: image organizer/viewer based on "gThumb"
mintlocale: package used to add language selection menu to the cinnamon settings panel
mint-themes: the themes from linux mint cinnamon 5.2 in both light and dark variants and multiple colors
mint-themes-legacy: the themes from linux mint cinnamon 5.0 in both light and dark variants and multiple colors
mint-x-icons: linux mint cinnamon icon themes in matching colors for the cinnamon themes
mint-y-icons: linux mint cinnamon icon themes in matching colors for the cinnamon themes
warpinator: LAN file sender, send and receive files across the network

In the case of xviewer, xplayer, pix, and warpinator, they are GTK apps, so naturally they should also look good in other GTK Desktop Environments such as Mate, xfce, lxde, etc.

mintlocale is set as an optional dependency for cinnamon. For english speakers, this package is not necessary, but for anyone else, it is useful to change the language of the cinnamon interface and the rest of the system as well.
Chris Cromer