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Topic: [SOLVED] lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version? (Read 2694 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Code: [Select]
declanpc:[declan]:~$ sudo pacman -Qs nvidia
local/egl-wayland 2:1.1.9+r3+g582b2d3-1
    EGLStream-based Wayland external platform
local/lib32-nvidia-utils 510.47.03-1
    NVIDIA drivers utilities (32-bit)
local/libvdpau 1.4-1.1
    Nvidia VDPAU library
local/nvidia 495.46-11
    NVIDIA drivers for linux
local/nvidia-dkms 495.46-2
    NVIDIA drivers - module sources
local/nvidia-utils 495.46-2
    NVIDIA drivers utilities
local/xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.17-2 (xorg-drivers)
    Open Source 3D acceleration driver for nVidia cards

I'm pretty sure this isnt normal? After a lot of troubleshooting, I'm pretty sure this is why I can't open steam. How do I fix this?

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #1
Yes, I was unable to boot steam due to incompatible version numbers.

I found this on r/linux4noobs:

"I ran into the exact same problem as an artix user and it drove me crazy, found a fix thankfully. pacman -Qs nvidia will show you that the lib32-nvidia-utils package (dependency of steam )is not the same version as the main driver. you need to downgrade it back to 465.24-02. sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lib32-nvidia-utils-465.24.02-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst this will downgrade it, reboot and it will work again (may be different on your system but just make sure to downgrade it to the same version)"

Essentially somebody pushed the beta version of lib32-nvidia-utils to the repos without also pushing the beta nvidia drivers to match.

Check to see the version numbers of both the nvidia drivers and lib32-nvidia-utils.

sudo pacman -Q | grep nvidia

In order for steam to run the nvidia driver version number and the lib32-nvidia-utils version number must match

My recommendation is simply to roll back the lib32-nvidia-utils to the previous version number that matches your nvidia driver's version number. The following worked for me:

sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lib32-nvidia-utils-495.46-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

After that simply reboot and start steam.  Be sure to also add lib32-nvidia-utils to your pacman.conf's IgnorePkg list until you see the next nvidia driver udpate.

IgnorePkg = lib32-nvidia-utils

Unfortunately you'll notice when you start steam up, you'll have to re-enter your credentials and set up Proton in the settings.  Your games will also need some time to resync when you first access them.

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #2
I'm not sure what's going on here but they are the same version in the repos.

Code: [Select]
$ pacman -Ss nvidia-utils
world/nvidia-utils 495.46-2
    NVIDIA drivers utilities
world/nvidia-utils-dinit 20211030-2 (dinit-world)
    dinit service scripts for nvidia-utils
world/nvidia-utils-openrc 20210505-2 (openrc-world)
    OpenRC nvidia persistence daemon init script
world/nvidia-utils-s6 20210919-1 (s6-world)
    s6-rc service scripts for nvidia-utils
world/nvidia-utils-suite66 20210705-1 (suite66-world)
    66 script for nvidia-utils
lib32/lib32-nvidia-utils 495.46-1
    NVIDIA drivers utilities (32-bit)
universe/nvidia-390xx-utils 390.147-1.1
    NVIDIA drivers utilities
universe/nvidia-470xx-utils 470.94-2
    NVIDIA drivers utilities

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #3
@OP: Make sure you have read, understood and applied the procedure from the wiki:

Then do
Code: [Select]
pacman -Syyu

If you still have the issue then, don't post pacman -Qs nvidia output but pacman -Ss nvidia output. Also your /etc/pacman.conf.

As a general rule, you shouldn't trust everything you read on unofficial sources such as Reddit.

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #4
@OP: Make sure you have read, understood and applied the procedure from the wiki:

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! The problem was that I had lib32 listed at the bottom of my pacman.conf.

Artix has its own set of official repositories which must take precedence over any other 3rd party ones. Ensure that they are always above Arch repositories in pacman.conf.

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #5
Out of curiosity reading this thread, I have made multiple attempts at upgrading the lib32-nvidia-utils package from the multilib repos as well as upgrading to the latest nvidia drivers and nvidia-utils packages from the extra repos.  Both brought me to a blank screen with just a simple blinking cursor  after grub loaded the artix kernel.  My lightdm gtk greeter failed to display.

Obviously my nvidia drivers as well as utilities are not up to date, but I am not sure what is going wrong.

After trying this twice and having to use my installation media to restore my system, I'm have to admit I'm at a loss.  The upgrade that breaks specifically is:

sudo pacman -S extra/nvidia extra/nvidia-utils multilib/lib32-nvidia-utils

Any insight into how I can upgrade my nvidia drivers without borking my system would be appreciated.  Am I missing other packages?
I have a RTX 2060. 

Re: lib32-nvidia-utils wrong version?

Reply #8
Next time, rtfw