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Topic: Kernel Module for Ryzen (Read 1516 times) previous topic - next topic
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Kernel Module for Ryzen


I have a problem with my system, because it has random complete freezes.
My CPU is a AMD Ryzen, and I think I found the solution for it, but I need a little bit of help.

Yeah I know, it's from Manjaro, but it's the same bug and there's the solution.

First question:
where are the kernel modules so I can set MSR?

And who can help me to convert the systemd service script convert to OpenRC?

Help is much appreciate.

Re: Kernel Module for Ryzen

Reply #1
where are the kernel modules so I can set MSR?
The place kernel modules are usually kept, on any distro - /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/msr.ko.xz

And who can help me to convert the systemd service script convert to OpenRC?
That service just runs a single command (execstart line) at boot, about as simple as it gets.
Look at one of the existing openrc scripts for a template, put your command in the start() section.

Re: Kernel Module for Ryzen

Reply #2
Did you read what's inside the link?
I'm looking for the modules.conf and not for the modules themselves.

But I've found it.

Re: Kernel Module for Ryzen

Reply #4
Yes, was my fault not to ask for the modules.conf.

Like I said, I've found it.

Am I the only one with a Ryzen CPU and these CPU lockups?