Hello, it's me again
I want to route my pacman traffic through tor, preferably to the onion mirrors.
First, some info:
My pacman.conf
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
#RootDir = /
#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
#CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
#HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 --continue-at - --fail --output %o %u
# To jest do tora^
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
Architecture = auto
# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
IgnorePkg = artix-branding-base
#IgnoreGroup =
NoUpgrade = firefox
#NoExtract =
# Misc options
# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
#RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Artix Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate artix`.
# - can be defined here or included from another file
# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
# The gremlins repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
#włączyłem to ja
Server = https://universe.artixlinux.org/$arch
Server = https://mirror1.artixlinux.org/universe/$arch
Server = https://mirror.pascalpuffke.de/artix-universe/$arch
Server = https://artixlinux.qontinuum.space/artixlinux/universe/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror1.cl.netactuate.com/artix/universe/$arch
Server = https://ftp.crifo.org/artix-universe/
# i te ARCHowe
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
#mam to dla Steama XD
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch
#tutaj już normalnie
# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the lib32 repositories as required here.
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
It is the basic conf, with added universe and arch repos.
Now the mirrorlist
## Artix Linux repository mirrorlist
## Generated on 2022-06-08
# Artix mirrors
# Use rankmirrors(1) to get a list of the fastest mirrors for your location,
# e.g.: rankmirrors -v -n 5 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# Then put the resulting list on top of this file.
# Default mirrors
Server = https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/artix-linux/repos/$repo/os/$arch
#problematyczne ^ czasami wyłączyć trzeba
Server = https://mirror.clarkson.edu/artix-linux/repos/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://dotsrccccbidkzg7oc7oj4ugxrlfbt64qebyunxbrgqhxiwj3nl6vcad.onion/artix-linux/repos/
Server = http://uuktajb4xq3ykpayyawfhpuadoqsq7g5g4kks33cwhvx7due7ymuryqd.onion/artixlinux/
#Server = http://dotsrccccbidkzg7oc7oj4ugxrlfbt64qebyunxbrgqhxiwj3nl6vcad.onion/archlinux/
## Europe
# Czech Republic
Server = https://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
# Denmark
#Server = https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/artix-linux/repos/$repo/os/$arch
#problem był
Server = https://mirror.one.com/artix/$repo/os/$arch
# France
Server = https://artix.cccp.io/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://ftp.crifo.org/artix/repos/$repo/os/$arch
# Hungary
Server = https://quantum-mirror.hu/mirrors/pub/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
# Germany
Server = https://mirror.netcologne.de/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirrors.redcorelinux.org/artixlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror.pascalpuffke.de/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/linux/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/artixlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror.linux.pizza/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://artix.unixpeople.org/repos/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror1.artixlinux.org/repos/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://eu-mirror.artixlinux.org/repos/$repo/os/$arch
# Greece
Server = https://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/artixlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/artix-linux/$repo/os/$arch
# Monaco
Server = https://artixlinux.qontinuum.space/artixlinux/$repo/os/$arch
# Sweden
Server = https://ftp.ludd.ltu.se/mirrors/artix/$repo/os/$arch
# United Kingdom
Server = http://artist.artixlinux.org/repos/$repo/os/$arch
As you can see, I added .onion mirrors from https://wiki.artixlinux.org/Main/Mirrors.
I tried to torify zsh, pacman and kitty, but that doesn't work:
SkvShkr% torify zsh
' egycobra@SkvShkr
'o' ----------------
'ooo' OS: Artix Linux x86_64
'ooxoo' Host:
'ooxxxoo' Kernel: 5.18.16-artix1-1
'oookkxxoo' Packages:
'oiioxkkxxoo' Shell: zsh 5.9
':;:iiiioxxxoo' DE: Plasma
`'.;::ioxxoo' Terminal: kitty
'-. `':;jiooo' CPU:
'oooio-.. `'i:io' Memory:
'ooooxxxxoio:,. `'-;' Disk (/):
'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-. `' Disk
'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji' Battery0: 60% [Not charging]
'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'` .i' Locale: en_AU.UTF8
'ooooxxxxxoi:::'` .;ioxo'
'ooooxooi::'` .:iiixkxxo'
'ooooi:'` `'';ioxxo'
'i:'` '':io'
'` `'
SkvShkr% update
zsh: operacja niedozwolona: sudo
SkvShkr% ping o2.pl
SkvShkr% checktor
1660908976 WARNING torsocks[32737]: [connect] Connection to a local address are denied since it might be a TCP DNS query to a local DNS server. Rejecting it for safety reasons. (in tsocks_connect() at connect.c:191)
curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
SkvShkr% torify pacman
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
SkvShkr% torify kitty
xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "en_AU.UTF8" (mapped to "en_AU.UTF8")
[231 13:38:04.362035] [glfw error 65544]: Failed to create XKB compose table for locale en_AU.UTF8
What can I do?