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Topic: Front-End/GUI for OpenRC (Read 567 times) previous topic - next topic
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Front-End/GUI for OpenRC

I would like to detect and manage daemons from a GUI-App in Qt alphabetical sorted and divided in columns, e.g.:

Installed | Add | Remove|  Start | Run-Time | Stop | Restart | Restart Debug | Debug-Report |

All fields have Date & Time in ISO-8601-format apart "Run-Time" in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minute, seconds and "Debug-Report" that clicking on it open kate or kwriter (or at choice) that permit to store/save the file where the $USER like. Popup by successful or failed action-s, the "Debugs-Report" are permanent and new-one will be appended.

The App should not allow to remove a daemon before not stopped and should not allow to uninstall daemons, "Add, Remove, Start, Stop, Restart & Restart-Debug" only with $ROOT password.

An Alternative could be a CLI-App  aka "Alsa", moving with cursor-keys, select with space, action over enter-key.

Re: Front-End/GUI for OpenRC

Reply #1
My script has a simplified version of what you need, maybe in the near future i will also add info about run-time and installation to the OpenRC manager.,4030.0.html

It has a CLI mode and it also supports KDialog which is Qt (or Qarma which is Qt port of zenity).