Re: Arch Linux forum moderators banned me. Goodbye Arch Linux! Hello Artix Linux!
Reply #2 –
I forgot to add that I've had that experience as well multiplied by three.
This was the final straw.
I can't take their aggression anymore, so I'm really glad there exists "another Arch".
I love systemD compared to SysV and Upstart due to how it's commands are structured.
systemctl enable
systemctl disable
systemctl start
systemctl stop
systemctl restart
systemctl status
Plus the way the service files are structured.
But I liked Unity and Cinnamon too, until I tried XFCE
as I've moved to a small silent desktop and needed a desktop environment,
that's light on resources.
When I managed to break XFCE, I was pleasantly surprised that
instead of being thrown into prompt,
a single panel was missing instead.
I've heard that SystemD has similar issues,
so I'm going for dinit since it seems like the closest to what I like.