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Topic: Activating encrypted LVM partition with dmcrypt (Read 416 times) previous topic - next topic
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Activating encrypted LVM partition with dmcrypt

Hello all, after successfully installing Artix OpenRC on my small SSD following this guide I was having trouble activating an additional encrypted LVM partition on my bigger HDD which holds my home folder. After adding the appropriate entry on /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt for it to open  with a key on my root partition, at boot time it does get unlocked but the volume group on it wouldn't get activated, and therefore my home folder couldn't be mounted. The solution was to edit /etc/init.d/dmcrypt, adding lvm to the 'before' field like so

Code: [Select]
before checkfs fsck lvm

Hope this helps!

Re: Activating encrypted LVM partition with dmcrypt

Reply #1
I found out later through the Gentoo Handbook's page on the Initscrypt system (i.e OpenRC) that it's better to make changes to files in /etc/conf.d/* and not in /etc/init.d/*, whoops...
I reverted my change in /etc/init.d/dmcrypt and instead modified /etc/conf.d/lvm so that it now has
Code: [Select]
rc_after="mdraid dmcrypt"
And it's working just as well. My bad, I haven't used Gentoo or OpenRC before.