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Topic: [SOLVED] Cannot use mobile data (Read 433 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Cannot use mobile data

I installed sxmo it uses a nmcli command to create a gsm network.
No error is shown but I am not connected.

I need to use qmicli and busybox udhcpc too.
It is supposed to work just with NetworkManager.
(As long ModemManager and the power daemon are running.)

I need to run this to connect:
Code: [Select]
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --wds-start-network="ip-type=4,apn=<APN>" --client-no-release-cid
sleep 0.5
busybox udhcpc -q -f -n -i wwan0
I took it from some script.

I need to run it every time after turning on the device and when resuming.
I also need to run it again after some time has passed.
So I just made a dinit service that I am testing.

How can I fix it? It should work out of the box.


Re: Cannot use mobile data

Reply #1
I've had too little time to tinker with the modem stuff in PMOS to understand how it all works, i just settled with using Phosh, however you can borrow the service structure from PMOS (or at least the stuff that is different as they use OpenRC).
I know at least on my sdm845 telephone they modified some commands and put a workaround for suspend (saying it's for call audio but messes with the power mgmt stuff).
I do wish one day to run armtix on this at one point too, hehe. But just gotta wait for the repo stuff to settle and more nmcli stuff to standardize probably.

Re: Cannot use mobile data

Reply #2
I've had too little time to tinker with the modem stuff in PMOS to understand how it all works, i just settled with using Phosh, however you can borrow the service structure from PMOS (or at least the stuff that is different as they use OpenRC).
Service structure? Do you mean modemmanager and eg25-maanger services?
I have those running.

I made a script to run the needed commands to use it for a dinit service.
I do not see any process to supervise, I can see `/usr/lib/qmi-proxy` only.
Restarting/starting/stopping the service is not reliable at all.

While for some reason mobile data doesn't work well, can I make some service that supervises qmicli?

Re: Cannot use mobile data

Reply #3
Oh, okay, if there is nothing to supervise and the same stuff is running it should mean your problem is from elsewhere.
I have msm-modem... etc due to the different platform :-) but yeah, they are along modemmanager and networkmanager.

maybe lsmod differs in any way? Even though it semi-works for you, have a quick look anyway. maybe see how the binaries differ from pmos apk packages and pacman ones here, apart from not being compiled glibc of course.
also maybe you can get a hold of people who maintain pinephone or do the pmos modem stuff, they have to know much better.

Re: Cannot use mobile data

Reply #4
PinePhone has several distros that works fine and there is also an unofficial Arch version.
I'll try to find out.

Re: Cannot use mobile data

Reply #5
Now it works.
I removed dhcp and dhcpcd.
dhcpd4 service fails not sure why.
Log doesn't have "error".

I also made a new installation I used to had pacman segmentation fault every time when running it.

The script is now improved: