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Default Artix Desktop Environment

What is the default Artix desktop environment? Which one are you testing and focusing on?

Apparently LXQT in Artix is broken, so definitely not LXQT, because you would notice that LXQT has no network connection and one cannot connect to the internet.(no WiFi network manager in systray, none can be added to systray).  Its impossible to connect and its been like that for a long time.

Apparently not KDE which the last ISO is from August (its December now, and Aritx is a rolling release...). Nobody tests if it just boots, or SDDM login or anything works together. So KDE is out for Artix.

GNOME. Apparently there's no GNOME and I assume its systemd only. So definitely not GNOME.

XFCE. Its similar to GNOME because it relies on GTK 3 and I don't know about abandoned/broken Mutter crap. So for me its out.

LXDE. Its deprecated GTK 2 and kind of abandoned, devs left for LXQt but you "make it" without using it.

MATE -it's  a mix and mismatch of weird applications of GTK3 and GTK2 origin, looking mismatched and unprofessionnal. And  they are definitely not so good anyway. Plus MATE its on its way of being out, since nobody works on wayland support. Its dead.

So you don't use LXQt because you would notice its broken. Anyway, LXQt works and looks like a poor cousin of KDE.
You don't provide KDE, so assume none of the devs use it or care, so assume its not compiling or similar. So its dead for Artix.
GNOME is not in Artix and even if it was, it would be broken anyway (broken/abandoned Mutter, tripple buffering workarounds....)
And I believe none of you uses GTK2 LXDE, because its ... old technology not keeping up with software.

As of now, Artix has no quality Desktop Environment version. And two major and the most popular ones (GNOME and KDE) are missing from it.

None of the remaining DEs are checked/used by Arix devs. No Quality DE, no focus (on one)/goals or even simple 5 min. testing to check if it works.

So what do YOU use? Does Artix makes any sense anymore? Is this exercise done?

P.S. Some people asked how to install properly DEs in forum from scratch, so I assume its a task that they didn't' succeed because it may not be possible to do so, and there's no flagship DE and quality focus. Comparing to Manjaro, Manjaro looks like its a finished product. You boot and it magically works. Even on "nightly full" (and they compile/set up all DEs!). So apparently its doable.

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #1
Artix default is to install base and do whatever the heck you want.

I for one haven't used any desktop environment since the early 2000s.

One has to wonder why you still stick around here, with all these complaints. Maybe you write these critiques on a Manjaro system?

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #2
I've said it before and I'll say it again :)
Artix should do away with all the 'Full Fat' iso's and just have the base install iso.

I use KDE because it's the best DE on a reasonably powerful machine (imho) and it works just fine under Artix
LXQT on Arch also takes a lot of customisation to make it look and perform reasonably for me. At least it did the last time I installed it on my Chromebook.

@sonar As it's almost Xmas have some cheese with your whine

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #3
I use none of these DEs but

Your WiFi connection problem can be duo to a lot of reason, like some cards require additional driver to work.(i.e. some broadcom 802)
try to use the weekly ISOs instead of official ISOs. if there was no major changes, the auto built weekly ISOs are fine.

working with distros like funtoo, artix, arch and many other requires patient, knowledge and willing.

artix distro is a tool that is relatively (compare to likes of fedora) hard to learn, but It can be powerful tool.

I like the DE ISOs. I don't use the calamary installer to install the OS. these ISOs are great when there's only one device available and one needs browser to remember some terminal command for installation.

happy Christmas.

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #4
You don't provide KDE, so assume none of the devs use it or care, so assume its not compiling or similar. So its dead for Artix.

Huh? Please explain how you (and several others I've seen) came to this conclusion. Plasma has ISOs in every init flavor right now. How is that not providing? Weekly ISOs are always hit or miss. I'll try out the old ISO but if I'm able to install it and update everything to the latest version, you owe me a beer.

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #5

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #6
Heh, by network connection he probably means the connman/networkmanager applet doesn't display a status bar icon, i saw it do that but since i use dhcpcd (and on laptop the wpa-gui with aforementioned) it didn't bother me. It still works it you launch it manually. Heck use cmdline for this simple stuff anyway, we're on a true to life distro here not redhat. :)

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #7
Artix Linux OpenRC + XFCE + Dolphin on several different PCs since 2019.

Code: [Select]
neofetch --off
OS: Artix Linux x86_64
Host: Aspire ES1-732 V1.18
Kernel: 6.1.68-1-lts
Uptime: 39 mins
Packages: 1295 (pacman)
Shell: bash 5.2.21
Resolution: 1600x900
DE: Xfce
WM: Xfwm4
WM Theme: Daloa
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2], Artix-dark [GTK3]
Icons: oxygen [GTK2], breeze [GTK3]
Terminal: xfce4-terminal
Terminal Font: Monospace 12
CPU: Intel Pentium N4200 (4) @ 2.500GHz
GPU: Intel Apollo Lake [HD Graphics 505]
Memory: 1488MiB / 3744MiB

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #8
What is the default Artix desktop environment? Which one are you testing and focusing on?

LXDE. Its deprecated GTK 2 and kind of abandoned, ...

And I believe none of you uses GTK2 LXDE, because its ...

So what do YOU use?

"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #9
I always knew there was something wrong with bamjara users. Don't get into Artix, it will eat you!

Re: Default Artix Desktop Environment

Reply #10
What is the default Artix desktop environment?

Artix is basically Arch without systemd. There is no default, you pick end choose.
I think the question you might be looking for an answer to is What is the best DE.

Manjaro, Ubuntu, MX Linux are distros that "work out of the box". Arch (Artix), Gentoo and maybe even Debian are "have it how you want" distros where you design stuff yourself.

Artix offers DE isos, which is nice, but there flagship iso is the base one.