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Topic: What are the space requirements & system spec needed to host an Artix mirror? (Read 913 times) previous topic - next topic
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What are the space requirements & system spec needed to host an Artix mirror?

I'm asking what is required as it's not clear the requirements to do this.

Re: What are the space requirements & system spec needed to host an Artix mirror?

Reply #1
an estimated minimum requirement would be:

CPU: any X86_64-compatible machine
Memory: 512MB might be enough but 1GB is a better bet
storage: at bare minimum 2GB

these are my estimate for base ISOs

EDIT:   :b
didn't correctly checked the title. I imagined you were asking for installation requirement.

Re: What are the space requirements & system spec needed to host an Artix mirror?

Reply #2
Looks like my mirror is using 28GB for packages and 53GB for all ISOs. The space necessary for packages will increase with the addition of new packages.

And you definitely can set up a mirror on ARM, but I wouldn't serve files from an SD card :P