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Topic: [Solved] Error starting turnstiled - service not found (Read 450 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Solved] Error starting turnstiled - service not found

I'm trying to use turnstile to run a user instance, since it seems to be the most recommended way to do it.
I've sucessfully installed turnstile from sources with cmake, meson and ninja.
But when I try to do `dinitctl start turnstiled`, it throws an error like this:
Code: [Select]
dinitctl: error loading service (or dependency of service).
dinitctl: try 'dinitcheck <service-name>' or check log for more information.

When I do that `dinitcheck turnstiled`, the output starts like this:
Code: [Select]
Checking service: turnstiled...
Checking service:
Unable to load service '': service description not found.
Checking service:
Checking service:

And in the final line it says ' One or more errors/warnings issued.'
Should I change /etc/dinit.d/turnstiled to depend on '' instead of '' or what am I missing?

Re: Error starting turnstiled - service description not found

Reply #1
Hmm.. The package should've sed it accordingly, but I'll check tomorrow, probably an oversight from my part.

I'll take a look tomorrow, but for now, sure, you can change it. It will be overwritten with the right dependency on update anyway.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: Error starting turnstiled - service description not found

Reply #2
Thank you very much.

I think I found the culprit and it was my fault. Thanks to your message, I discovered that there is actually a package in Artix repo.

I used `pacman -Ss turnstile` to check if it existed, but I did that in the host machine (Arch) instead of the virtual machine I'm using to experiment with Artix. That's why I didn't find it initially and just cloned and manually built the turnstile repo, following the repo README.

I removed it and installed the `turnstile` package instead, now the turnstiled  service file depends on

My bad, sorry.