NO WIFI on xfce and probably other images 10 July 2024, 20:56:07 my system: ' artix@artix-live 'o' ---------------- 'ooo' OS: Artix Linux x86_64 'ooxoo' Host: Swift SF714-52T V1.09 'ooxxxoo' Kernel: 6.9.7-artix1-1 'oookkxxoo' Uptime: 2 hours, 9 mins 'oiioxkkxxoo' Packages: 979 (pacman) ':;:iiiioxxxoo' Shell: bash 5.2.26 `'.;::ioxxoo' Resolution: 1920x1080 '-. `':;jiooo' DE: Xfce 4.18 'oooio-.. `'i:io' WM: Xfwm4 'ooooxxxxoio:,. `'-;' WM Theme: Default 'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-. `' Theme: Artix-dark [GTK2/3] 'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji' Icons: matefaenzadark [GTK2/3] 'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'` .i' Terminal: xfce4-terminal 'ooooxxxxxoi:::'` .;ioxo' Terminal Font: Roboto Mono 11 'ooooxooi::'` .:iiixkxxo' CPU: Intel i7-8500Y (4) @ 4.200GHz 'ooooi:'` `'';ioxxo' GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 615 'i:'` '':io' Memory: 2869MiB / 15745MiB '` `' artix xfce open-rc (2024-07-08 weekly iso, and prior such as the official 2023 iso, etc.) wifi does NOT WORK out of the box.artix plasma open-rc works. i think the difference is xfce uses connman, but plasma uses networkmanager. also, bluetooth doesn't work, and i had to install blueman.i used wpa_supplicant to manually connect to wifi in artix-xfce-openrc just now. and i just wanted to pass this issue along so someone can fix it. having networking like wifi not working out of the box is a major fail, because it's dead in the water: you can't download packages, you have to troubleshoot from a different device, etc.i haven't gotten networkmanager to work yet on xfce, but i suspect it would if it were installed properly. i anticipate working on getting a gui set up, instead of manually using wpa_supplicant, so advice for that could be;drconnman doesn't worknetworkmanager worksput networkmanager in all releases