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Topic: After some time wifi gets disconnected (Read 475 times) previous topic - next topic
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After some time wifi gets disconnected

Hello there,

I noticed that whenever I turn my laptop on, sometimes it disconnects from the WiFi some seconds after I see my homescreen and in some cases it takes some hours to happen. What could it be?

Also, is there any post regarding how to ask better questions here? I use Openrc

Network output

Re: After some time wifi gets disconnected

Reply #1
How do you connect to the wifi, for example, network manager or connman? Perhaps try a different one to see where the cause of the problem is.
Not sure there's a fixed formula for questions, but if you give plenty of info about the affected hardware and software, at least the relevant parts, and describe the issue and it's history, whether it appeared recently or has always been there, it helps your chances of getting an accurate reply. But it's probably not worthwhile going to the other extreme and starting with pages and pages of debug info, as there might be a simple solution.

Re: After some time wifi gets disconnected

Reply #2
This is the output of dmesg:


I installed NetworkManager, added to my runlevel but the wifi keeps disconnecting after some minutes. I disabled dhcpcd because apparently it'd generate some conflicts. The pid file wasn't being created after the startup so I  manually inserted the correct path in the config file.

NetworkManager config

I have connman installed but I've never used the CLI to connect to the wifi, it was automatically connected already.

Re: After some time wifi gets disconnected

Reply #3
If you are using Network Manager, try uninstalling any other unrequired wifi apps, like connman and dhcpcd (unless you have configured Network Manager to use dhcpcd) as  they can conflict and cause problems. Just having them installed can be enough to cause issues sometimes.

Re: After some time wifi gets disconnected

Reply #4
I reinstalled NetworkManager and it's reconnecting, something that didn't happen until then. Every time if disconnects, it connects again after some seconds. I'll consider the situation as solved.

Thank you, ####### !

Re: After some time wifi gets disconnected

Reply #5
That's good - another thing that might help is checking whether 2.4GHz or 5GHz offers a more reliable connection, there might be only one SSID, but there are usually 2 different BSSID's which you can find in scans and set in Network Manager instead of using the SSID, also you can choose which band  is enabled in the router settings but that would affect other devices.  Sometimes one band gives a more stable connection and you can choose that one rather than allowing the choice to be made randomly.