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Topic: Finding Nornal in abnormal times (Read 1219 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #1
I'm trying to eat.  This is too much.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #2
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

It may be different times and different people, but there are still those who are locked up in concentration camps without a trial by those who claim to represent our societies, while we too laugh and celebrate and do nothing to stop it. We should try to act with compassion, respect and understanding, rather than labeling groups as  being somehow "other" as an excuse to mistreat them, and this could apply to many sides at present.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #3
I can't read Wikipedia - it is overrun by anti-Semitic bigots.  In this world, the bad guys outnumber the good guys by about a billion to one.  Auschwitz, FWIW, was not a concentration camp.  It was a death camp.  They systematically killed 865,000+ Jews in the shortest amount of time  which the technology of that era allowed them to.  In addition one can add another 30K or so non-Jews.  A total death toll over it 4 years was about 1.1 million killed.


Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #4
The problem is that we live in an era of rewriting history. And the problem is not the anti-Semites of Wikipedia, but the fact that fascism is being revived in the Western world. Since the Western fascists have once again declared Russia and the Russians their enemies, they will never remember and will not mention that it was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that defeated Prussian militarism. It is a pity, but the real cause of fascism was not defeated, because as you know, the real nature of fascism is capitalism.
As you know, capitalism is currently experiencing its greatest crisis in history, and therefore the skeleton of fascism is being brought to light again.

By the way, if anyone doesn't know, in Eastern Europe, and especially in the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), this fascism is being revived at a rapid pace.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #5
Sorry, didn't know you weren't a Wikipedia fan.
At first nobody in the UK knew what IS was and even the UK government wanted to support them, people were arranging charity events to raise money for them and taking vanloads of supplies to Syria for IS, so some people did get involved and were effectively encouraged to do so by the government itself. Then later when IS started beheading people and carrying out terrorist attacks the government started to oppose them instead.
The Geneva Convention states prisoners of war should be released at the end of a conflict or tried before a court if they had committed crimes, yet these two are still imprisoned years later despite potentially being quite innocent , quite likely many of the others are imprisoned on doubtful grounds too but there is no-one to take interest in their stories.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #6
the real nature of fascism is capitalism.

Umm no.  And I don't really care to get into a cross conversation about it.  It is not really relevant how you view fascism or politics..  This all  bypasses the single truth to which these events that mattered, which was that they were specifically aimed at the Jews.   Auschwitz and German fascism  succeeded in committing genocide  of the Jewish people that lived in Europe such that today there is no longer any Jewish civilization in Europe.  Jews were residents in Europe from the beginning of European settlement and now there is nothing but empty buildings with a remnant of a few dozen people there and a few dozen Jews here.

This video shows how individuals and groups can be so lulled and be made so comfortable  with object evil,  under the smoke of charred bodies, so as to picnic and sing, strengthened by theology and community.  This is not because of capitalism.  It was because of antisemitism.  It should be sobering because it is not unique in history.  And it is not unique to the 20th century.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #7

Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialistic elements of finance capital… Fascism is not a supra-class power and not the power of the petty bourgeoisie or the lumpen proletariat over finance capital. Fascism is the power of finance capital itself. It is the organization of terrorist reprisals against the working class and the revolutionary part of the peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in foreign policy is chauvinism in its crudest form, cultivating a zoological hatred against other peoples.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #8
I'm surprised there's been no mention of A H or J S or V P yet. I do wish for a good moderator.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #9

And I wish people like you would at least enlighten yourself a little. At least on political issues. Maybe then there would be fewer wars in the world?

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #10
And I wish people like you would at least enlighten yourself a little. At least on political issues. Maybe then there would be fewer wars in the world?

You must be very talented to know what my political positions are. I'm not sure I know what they are myself.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #11

And I wish people like you would at least enlighten yourself a little. At least on political issues. Maybe then there would be fewer wars in the world?

I wish people who would say "people like you",  would cease doing so. They degrade themselves by doing so.
Stick to the word salad :)

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #12

You must be very talented to know what my political positions are. I'm not sure I know what they are myself.

And why doesn't this surprise me? That's what I'm saying, educate yourself and be interested, instead of asking for help from moderators.

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #13

I wish people who would say "people like you",  would cease doing so. They degrade themselves by doing so.

I don't think the phrase "people like you" can offend anyone. Unless the person who called for help from the moderators has very low self-esteem...

Re: Finding Nornal in abnormal times

Reply #14
i think it's time this mess was shut down.  Even i think it's gone a bit too far
Cat Herders of Linux